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HIV is spread through blood and sexual fluids. If the needle had blood or sexual fluids that contained HIV and it came in contact with YOUR blood or sexual fluids (i.e. if you pricked your finger with it), then yes, it is possible that HIV spread.

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Q: You see this injection needle lying on the grass you pick it up is it possible to be infected with hiv?
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who knows the ten species of grass mankind depend on 4 breathing and good blood?

The Ten species of grass grown internationally is as follows: Guinea grass, Cane grass, Wheat grass, Wild lily grass (bush), Lemon grass, Fever grass, Worm grass, Spanish needle grass(rabbit bush), Wild rice grass, Corn husk grass. Please note Lemon grass and fever grass is two different species although they have a similar smell and almost the same medicinal functions). The lemon grass has a wider range of application usages.

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Do you have bloom or any of the 3 grass type techniques? But, if you have just do a load of ink over the infected area, or do a swirl around it.

Gobi desert animal?

The desert features a number of drought adapted shrubs such as gray sparrows saltwort, gray sagebrush and low grasses such as needle grass and bridle grass.