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That sounds alot like a period, when i started mine at 11, i kept javing very dark stains in my underwear and thought i was just really dirty. But it was menstruation.

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Q: You keep finding dark dark brown stuff in your underwear your only 12 so you don't think its your period really gross what is it?
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What does it mean if you have brown in your underwear I am 13 and I havent had my first period and I found brown discharge in my underwear that looked like poop almost What does this mean?

This could be the beginning of your first period.

Tiny brown spot in your underwear is it your period?

You might be starting your period in a couple of days.

What is the dark brown stain on your underwear?

It means you will start you period soon.

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A yellow brownish stain in a girl's underwear means that she will be starting her period ina couple of days so be prepared so that you won't end up with a bloody mess in your underwear and maybe on your pants.

I am 11 and i had brown discharge today . The same month but last year i got my period but not continuously and today i had gone to the bathroom and saw 2 dark brown spots on my underwear . Is it my period ?

after that i have been having lots of cramps

Is it normal to start your period lite brown and be spotting dark brown?

I'm not really sure I'm 11 and that's what I found in my underwear I told my teacher and she gave me and my friend a pad but if it helps mine was sort of going towards red so I'm kinda confused

How do you know if you have started you period?

you will see red or brown marks in your underwear if its yellow its just discharge and if its green go and see a doc!!

How do you start you period?

When your old enough you'll see a reddish-brown spot in your underwear. Congratulations! You are now going through puberty!

You are twelve and today you found what looked to be brown stuff in your underwear and when you went to the bathroom there was red blood on the toilet paper did you have your period?

It is possible that you have started your period. The brown stuff in your underwear is likely old blood, and the red blood on the toilet paper is fresh blood. It is a natural and normal part of growing up for girls. You may want to talk to a trusted adult or healthcare provider for guidance on what to do next.

How do you know when you have gotten your period?

ok so your underwear should have blood on it. it will begin as brown but gradually become red. it comes once a month.

How do you know when you will start your period for the first time?

You will see a dark brown spot in your underwear.. Don't worry... If you stress it makes it delay.. Working out can help...