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Menstrual cramps are common but they are not normal - most people can prevent menstrual cramps with lifestyle changes, but if severe you should talk to your doctor about finding the cause. Tampons can increase menstrual cramps as they can expand into the cervix. You may be better using menstrual cups, softcups, or pads if you find tampons increase your menstrual cramps.

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No it is normal

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Q: You just started your period today and have cramps and you used a tampon is it bad?
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You started your period today any advice?

Make sure you get enough exercise, also eat bananas to reduce cramps. Also, eat foods that contain iron.

Yesterday was the 14Th day since you started your period your husband and you had intercourse and today you are having some cramps on your left side are you pregnant or ovulating?

probabley ovulating. but the best idea is to get a pregnancy test asap.

I have had white dicharge fora while but its now turned clear. I have moodswings and bad cramps and bloated feeling started today. my vag starts to irritate about 8pm. is my first period coming soon?

It seems like it (:

Why is your period commin out strange like it started with a lot of brown and some red yesterday and today when you pee big blood clots come out and a lot of cramps?

the reason for the different colors is it is "identifying" the usually one of the first and is cleaning out everything

I am 11 and i had brown discharge today . The same month but last year i got my period but not continuously and today i had gone to the bathroom and saw 2 dark brown spots on my underwear . Is it my period ?

after that i have been having lots of cramps

You had first time sex today he left you went pee you started bleeding put a tampon in Didnt help still bleeding tampon barley full but your liner is.?

DO NOT insert a tampon when not on your period, that is very unsafe and especially in a situation like this when bleeding may be a result of vaginal tearing - thus potentially giving bacterial toxins responsible for TSS a more direct route into your bloodstream. Changes are this is vaginal tearing if sex was rough or if you weren't aroused enough for penetration, your hymen may have also been torn.

I've had steady cramps for 6 days now but no period yet. I don't have any added stress in my life right now. My diet is the same. And I tood a HPT today and it came back negative. What's wrong?

nothing is wrong, your period will come! I once had steady cramps for 10 days before my period. It is perfectly normal, relax! :)

I am on my period today and they left part of my stomache right next to my hip bone hurts like crazy why is this?

Cramps. They happen when your uterus contracts to release blood.

Got cramps like going to start my period but nothing but for two days when wiped a red smear and today a brown like old blood and slight cramps now Don't think I am pregnant?

Sounds like your period is coming. There is no "old blood" in periods. Brown, red, or very dark are all normal colors.

21 day period it is regular and your due date was yesterday and you started to have pain on your nipples today morning What does it signify?

Sounds like your period is coming.

What can this be I had bad cramps on Thursday then similar on Friday then brown - period like spotting Today Saturday I don't feel breast tenderness anymore. I had 5 positive home tests...?


Can you have light bleeding with cramps and still be pregnant I have had nausea 24 7 for 3 weeks and sore breasts but today I started cramping with light bleeding and no clots is this ok or normal?

dats nasty