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I wouldn't stress out over it. This has happened to me before. I missed my period because I was stressing and worrying about it. Try to stop thinking so much into it and in two more weekes if you dont have a period yet you may need to take another test. If it comes up negative and still no period, I would go to a doctor. It doesn't mean you're pregnant. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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16y ago

There are a number of things than can contribute to a missed period including pregnancy, stress, poor diet, illness, hormonal imbalance, Birth Control pills, etc.

there are also a few things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc. You might want to try taking another pregnancy test and if it is still negative then don't worry about it!

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16y ago

Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy: There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc To ensure the best results: Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

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16y ago

Well, without more detail it is hard to know. But if you are on birth control (especially if you just started it) that can be a cause. There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

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Q: You haven't had a period in a long time i took a pregnancy test and it said i wasn't pregnant?
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If the pregnancy test said you wasnt then can you still be pregnant?

possibly. keep using testers to find out fosho.

If my period was 6 days late and then I had a light flow for 4 days could I be pregnant?

Quite possibly, take a home pregnancy test first, if the answer is negative and you still don't get your period, I would make an appointed to see your doctor. Remember, home pregnancy tests aren't entirely accurate. Good Luck.

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Yes you can still be pregnant and still have what seems like a period. Many people get this it's just not recognised much. Sound like you are pregnant go see your gynecologist or GP and get an ultrasound sorted out.

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maybe he found a pregnancy test that wasnt even yours but he was terrified or his ex came back pregnant. it always has something to do with least in my life

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Yes! I had one done and it said I wasnt but then four months later (about 5 months pregnant) it turned out I was.

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same thing happened too me :) but i asked my mom if it was normal and she said yes . i had my first period for a day and it wasnt even THATT bad . so it was a light flow .

Is it common to get a period if you're already pregnant?

No you shouldn't at all because during a pregnancy the egg attaches itself to th inside wall of your uterus and grows there. During your period an egg goes into your uterus from your overies but doesnt attach itself to the wall of your uterus because it wasnt fertalized by a sperm cell. The egg passing through your uterus it what causes you to bleed during your period.

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Yes I would say that it is normal because with my second pregnancy I found out that I was 10 weeks pregnant because of my nipples leaking white fluid which seemed like milk...I wasnt aware that I could have that symptom but its possible..I took a pregnancy test as soon as I noticed the leakage and I was pregnant.

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No, if you used the condom correctly that was enough to prevent pregnancy.

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Not likely. Some periods are longer, some shorter. The fact that your period was only 3 days is normal. They will vary.

Did a pregnancy test one line came up straight away thinking i wasnt pregnant i chucked it away but when i went back to it 2 days later i noticed there was 2 lines does this mean i am pregnant?

No the test is only vaild for 20 or so minutes after you use it.

Could i be preg I am due for period in 3 days for the last week i have been fatiguedbloated hightemp tenderbreasts Preg test came up faint pos after 8min?

no matter how faint the positive is it means u are pregnant, i wasnt due my period for 3 days im now 4 months pregnant lol do another test but you will be pregnant