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i have small multiple follicles in both ovaries could i concieve at this time

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Q: You have small multiple follicles in both ovaries can you conceive at this time?
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Related questions

What are small follicles seen in both ovaries?

A doctor will interpret the findings of tests done that show follicles in both ovaries. Often this is not a serious problem and can happen for a number of reasons.

How does eggs get from ovary to uterus?

Growing follicles in the ovaries secrete small amounts of oestrogen in to the blood.

What does multiple small follicles in peripheral distribution with mild increase in stromal echogenicity means?

The multiple small follicles in peripheral distribution with mild increase in stromal echogenity means that there is an infection.

What is a compound follicle?

A compound follicle is a structure in the ovary that consists of multiple small follicles clustered together. It is a common feature in the ovaries of some animals, such as pigs and rodents. Each small follicle within a compound follicle has the potential to develop into a mature egg during the reproductive cycle.

What system does the small ovaries belong to?

The ovaries are part of the reproduction system.

Can you still have kids with small ovaries?


What small organs in the dermis would produce hair?

Hair follicles.

Where egg cells produced?

The primary reproductive organ of the female is the ovary. It is responsible for producing and developing egg cells. The ovary contains small groups of cells, called follicles. The follicles are composed of two types of cells: a reproductive cell that produces the egg and nutrient-producing cells. The nutrient-producing cells provide energy-rich chemicals to the developing egg.

The distal portion of the small intestine contains clumps of lymph follicles called?

Peyer's patches

What is the name of the small organ the dermis that produces hair?

hair folliclesfollicles

Small organs in the dermis that produce hair?

The matrix which produces it and the hair papilla contains blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles.

What is polysisticoverian?

I believe you mean Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is when the ovaries are enlarged and contain numerous small cysts.