

Best Answer

Could be just Olsders, anything in mouth first try a bit of bonjela, get it from most chemists a clear gel for in mouth problems..

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Q: You have small bumps on the very back of your tongue on the right and left side far back towards your throat They arent painful but you can feel them when you swallow What could these bumps be?
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Related questions

Why do you have a tongue?

You have a tongue to help mix your food with saliva and help push the moist food to the back of the throat to swallow.

What prevents food from going into your throat?

Food normally goes in your throat when you swallow. A coordinated swallow reflex, controlled partially by the tongue, helps you control the timing of swallowing.

Why can people swallow food while standing on their heads?

Swallowing has nothing to do with gravity, you tongue literally pushes food into your throat when you swallow. Swallowing is the utilization of a muscle.

What forces back food into the pharynx?

The tongue is the muscle that forces food into the pharynx. When you chew and then swallow, it is the back of your tongue that forces the food back and down your throat.

What forces food back into into pharynx?

The tongue is the muscle that forces food into the pharynx. When you chew and then swallow, it is the back of your tongue that forces the food back and down your throat.

Do penguins have barbs?

Yes! On their tongue and throat they have them to help swallow slippery fish. These are pointed backwards to help swallow. Since penguins don't have teeth, this is like a replacement for them.

What is wrong if you are 15 and your tongue has red raised lumps at back underneath and side of tongue uncomfortable to swallow and sore throat?

It should be an precaution or symptoms of tongue sore or it may be canker sore

Do people swallow with their tongue?

No, people do not swallow with their tongue. Swallowing is a complex process that involves coordination of muscles in the throat and esophagus to move food or liquid from the mouth to the stomach. The tongue helps push food to the back of the mouth during swallowing, but it is not responsible for the actual act of swallowing.

Why is it impossible to swallow your tongue?

It is impossible to swallow your tongue because it is attached to the floor of your mouth by a thin strip of tissue called the frenulum. This prevents it from being swallowed. Additionally, the natural reflexes in your body help to protect your airway and prevent your tongue from blocking your throat.

I have bumps on the back of my mouth and lumps under my tongue it hurts to swallow?

If you have bumps on back of your mouth and under your tongue and it hurts to swallow, you are most likely coming down with some kind of virus. It may be strep throat and will need to be checked out by a physician.

What body parts amphibians use in getting food?

They use their tongue to catch the food. They also push their eyes into their throat to swallow the food.

Do or can people have an extra tongue in their throat?

Do or can people have an extra tongue in their throat?"