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Colchicine is known to have several side effects and these include dermatitis and alopeia. Is it possible that you are a little dehydrated as well? It would help if you make sure to drink plenty of water each day to keep your body well hydrated. Using a good moisturiser on your skin (cocoa butter) will improve the dryness and a good hair conditioner will help dry hair. Rather than take vitamins (although multivitamins won't do any harm) the best thing to do is to make sure you eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables to keep your general health good. Good luck

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Q: You have fmf and you are taking colcicine for life you are 37 and you feel your skin is drying out and also your hair you are asuming its due to taking colcicine can any vitimins help you thanx?
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