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My opinion is that it is not safe to use a needle yourself, you could cause an infection and then you really would be in pain.

Try warm rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. It is amazing how healing that can be. It could "pop" this just by rinsing with the warm salt water. Continue rinsing several times a day before and after it has popped.

Warm salt water like this is very healing in the mouth....just dont swallow it.

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Q: You have an abscess in your upper gumline you belioeve it is empacted sinuses your teeth DO NOT hurt you need a home remediy or is it safe to apply a needle and drain it yourself?
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Is retraction cord usage essential to record margins in crown bridge preparation?

Retraction cord is primarily used when the margin of the crown (where it meets natural tooth structure) will be below the gumline. If the point at which the crown meets the tooth is above the gumline, cord is not generally used.

Where are adult teeth at birth?

They are way above the gumline, up in the bone, until it is time for them to come down and erupt into the mouth.

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Calculus is calcified dental plaque, commonly called tartar, and subgingival calculus is tartar found on the roots of the teeth below the gumline.

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A gumboil is usually caused by an abscess at the root of the tooth. Often, this abscess is caused by food caught in pockets at the gumline. The infection forms at the root, and then eats away at the gum tissue, eventually creating a channel that leads to the gum surface. Once the channel reaches the gum surface, it appears to be a pimple or raised, white growth. Gumboils often (though not always) hurt, and sometimes the tooth feels raised or displaced. Gumboils should always be attended to by a dentist, because even drainage and an easing of symptoms doesn't mean the problem is solved, as the infection usually remains at the root of the tooth. If untreated in the long term, gumboils can cause tooth and even bone loss, as the infection dissolves the bone surrounding the root of the tooth.

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Best to avoid eating on it if you can. You run the risk of breaking it more. Once it breaks down to the gumline, it may not be able to be restored. Rec: Soft foods

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"Prophy" is short for prophylaxis, which is a dental procedure for cleaning teeth to prevent gum disease and cavities. It involves removing plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and along the gum line. This procedure is typically done by a dental hygienist.

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Eukaryotic cells, such as those found in the gumline, do not fall under the categories of gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria. The gram staining technique is used to determine the cell wall structure of bacteria, not eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a different cellular structure, including a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

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If your cat is in pain when eating, it is very likely that the cat has some sort of dental or gum infection and should be taken to the vets immediately to be treated. There is very little you can do at home as dental infections usually start below the gumline and not on the tooth itself.

What are the different kinds of teeth cavities?

A tooth has many surfaces and some people describe the decay by where it is on the tooth. The cavities the dentist can see by a clinical exam are on the chewing surfaces of the teeth and on the gumline area. There are some tooth decay cavities that are formed between the teeth due to lack of flossing. For these cavities, the dentist must take an x-ray to find them. You cannot see them by looking or feeling with the "pick". Another type of tooth decay is something that happens to an injured tooth called "internal resorption". The dentist also needs to take an x-ray to find this, unless the decay eats it way out of the tooth and shows at the gumline.

What is the difference between plaque and tartar?

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on teeth daily. It is the main cause of cavities and gum disease, and can harden into tartar if not removed each day.Plaque causes cavities when the acids in plaque attack your teeth after eating. With repeated acid attacks, your tooth enamel can break down and a cavity may form. Children are the most cavity-prone, but adults can also get tooth decay.Gum disease starts with plaque above the gumline. Plaque that is not removed can irritate the gums around your teeth leading to gingivitis (red, swollen, bleeding gums). As plaque builds up and moves below the gumline, your gums can pull away from your teeth, which can lead to tooth loss.

When your permanent tooth falls out does the root come out as well?

The "tooth root" is the part of the tooth below the gumline, connected by a canal to the anchor in the bone. The tissue that is within the tooth is lost by extraction, but there is also some nerve tissue in the base of the socket. In any event, these nerves usually atrophy, and any transplanted teeth will not have sensory connections.