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If you've gotten your period afterwards, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

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Q: You had intercourse 6 days ago now you have periods are you pregnant?
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You missed your period 4 days ago One of the days you had sexual intercourse Are you pregnant?

No because it might have been freak occerance not to. If you miss next months, you may be.

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 days after intercourse?

You can, but you are not going to get a correct answer if you want to know if that one act of intercourse 5 days ago got you pregnant! I suggest waiting to see if your period is late, and testing then if needed. ~pawsalmighty

Can you be pregnant and have a normal period which for the person is seven days?

No. You do not have a period if you're pregnant. My mother had 6 children, and she had her periods through 3 of the pregnancies - I don't know how long or "normal" her periods were (she died some years ago) but I do know that she was 5 months pregnant with me before she realized she was pregnant!

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If you have had sex about 5 weeks ago, then she may be pregnant, though I am not an expert.

Intercourse 17 days ago missed period negative result?

i got pregnant at 14 years old that suck true u dont know what to do

Intercourse 10 days ago Period started next day lasted 3 days Light pink spotting and breast tenderness 9 days after intercourse Are you pregnant?

There is a possibility that you may be pregnant. The spotting that you are experiencing is what they call implantation bleeding, which is when the egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. If you have a missed period I would definite advise you to take a pregnancy test. Good luck!!

I had intercourse and lost my virginity 80 days ago on November 29th and I have had two periiods since. The first period i got after this was on dec. 21 on January 17 i took a home pregnancy test and?

You shouldn't be pregnant. I don't understand why you did the test on the 17 since your December period was on the 21st. If you keep a calendar of your periods there should be 28-35 day cycles. On days 14-20 of a cycle is when ovulation happens and you can get pregnant. Sperm can stay active in the uterus for 5 days. If I figured your dates correctly you couldn't be pregnant.

If you recently started your period 6 months ago but havnt been on for 3 months and im not pregnant?

There is nothing wrong and you are not pregnant (if you have not been having intercourse). It is common for a female to not have regular periods until she is older. It may take a while before your period regulates and you have them monthly. Some girls will have one or two periods and not have a period for a year after they start their period.

Can you still be pregnant with a hcg level of 0.04 and is having all the symptoms and had intercourse 15 days ago?

i think you can be still pregant with a low hcg levels cause it has happen in many women is this true or not

Can i be pregnant i have't seen my periods for three months?

It depends... how old are you? And how long ago did you start?

Miscarriage 30 days ago could you be pregnant?


Why are there times when you feel pregnant but you still have your periods hpt says neg and dr wont do a test because she said the chance is too slim after a tubal 6 and one half years ago?

It could be that you subconsciously want to be pregnant again. If this is the case then you might want to look in to having a tubal reversal. If you have taken pregnancy tests (14 days after intercourse or the day of your expected period) and they come up negative then you most likely aren't pregnant, especially if you are having your periods. Evaluate your feelings and think of all the possible reasons you may "feel" pregnant. Are you wanting another child? Are you feeling pregnant because you have been pregnant before and are just aware of the symptoms? Are you hormones off balance?