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No; the mucus may have been from the infection. The fertility problems that chlamydia may cause do not affect cervical mucus.

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Q: You had chlamydia for a few months and got treated you use to have cervical mucus now you don't should you be worried?
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What should you do if you had chlamydia for three years?

If you had chlamydia for three years, you should ensure now that you and your partner have been treated. There is no further followup needed, other than retesting two to three months after to ensure you weren't reinfected.

What if you had chlamydia for five years?

If you had chlamydia for a long period, you may have experienced complications of chlamydia such as pelvic inflammatory disease or epididymitis. Most people with chlamydia do not experience long-term complications. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Can a female with chlamydia be asymptomatic for months and then get symptoms?

It's possible to develop symptoms after having chlamydia for a long time.

What if you had chlamydia for at least two months?

Chlamydia can damage the body, but the germ is gone after effective treatment is completed. Patients being treated should avoid oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse for seven days after single-dose treatment, or until seven-day treatment is complete.

Can you carry chlamydia without transmitting it?

Yes - you can have chlamydia and not have any symptoms and it is an STD which of course can be passed on. This does not and will not go away without proper treatment and if not treated properly it can cause serious problems for your future such as not being able to conceive. You as well as anyone you have slept with must be tested and treated. The following link is information on chlamydia that you must read:

How long is recovery in cervical neck surgery?

The recovery rate of any type of cervical neck surgery is usually about 3-6 months.

If you had a negative chlamydia test three months before a positive test does this mean you contracted it within those three months?

There are a few possible explanations. The most likely is that you contracted chlamydia within those three months. Another possibility is that you got the first test so soon after infection that it could not yet be detected. A false negative or false positive test is another possible explanation.

Can chlamydia resist doxycycline?

The CDC reports that chlamydia is still responding to doxycycline, and does not recommend test of cure after treatment. However, CDC does recommend repeat testing in three months for all patients treated for chlamydia, because reinfection is so common. Doxycycline is a kind of antibiotics as the most common treatment for chlamydia. As we all know, antibiotics will cause drug resistance and can be easily recurrent. Herbal medicine like Fuyan Pill maybe a better option compared with antibiotics, because it is made from Chinese herbs without any side effects and drug resistance.

Is it possible to have symptoms of chlamydia for the first time 4 months after contact?

Yes, it is possible to have symptoms for the first time 4 months after contact.

How long does it take your cervical mucus to thicken while on Depo?

3 months

How do you cure cervicitis and urealasma infection?

Cervicitis can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. Ureaplasma infection is also commonly treated with antibiotics, typically doxycycline or azithromycin. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What should you do if you're pregnant and have chlamydia?

If you're pregnant with chlamydia, you should get treatment as soon as possible. There are safe and effective treatments for pregnant women. You should ensure that all partners are treated, and that you abstain from oral, anal, and vaginal sex -- avoiding sex even with a condom -- until treatment is complete. You should be retested three months after treatment, and retested near the time of delivery.