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I had a scan monday thinking I was 6wks pregnant but when I had it they found a sac measuring 9mm the docter said its early and bring me back in to weeks have I lost my baby or is docter right its to early I just think he trying to make me think possitave :( am so unhappy just want to no if am going to misscarriage or there could be hope please help

A 9mm gestational sac should correlate to between 5 or 6 weeks gestational age, by which time one should be able to see a yolk sac developing, although maybe not a fetal pole. It is true, that a small gestational sac may indicate very early pregnancy, and a repeat ultrasound and Beta-HCG level should be done. 2 weeks is probably a bit long to wait, however. I would repeat the HCG in 3 days, and another ultrasound in 1 week at the most.

While it is possible this is a miscarriage, you should wait for the repeat testing to be sure before you really get worried. Otherwise, you have spent this time worrying for nothing.

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Q: You had a scan with empty sac measuring 4mm week later sac grown to 9mm still empty sack what does this mean?
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