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Yeah that's normal and it will ease and disappear as the piercing heals. It's basically the same type of discharge that would occur with any other piercing except the discharge is on your tongue so it looks weird. Fuzzy tongue! It's OK it will go away just stay on your aftercare routine.

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- it isn't an infection. its lack of toothbrushing. you have to gently brush the lump until it disappears.

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Q: You got your tongue pierced less than a week ago and there is a lump in front of it on the top of your tongue that keeps coming back it is small white and gooey What is this Is it an infection?
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If the web under your tongue is close to the front can you still get your tongue pierced?

Yes u can but it will hurt alot! i have my tongue twice and the 2nd one is close to the web and kinda touches it and it hurts... but after it heals it wont hurt as bad! go for it

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Well mine is crooked and so far nothing bad has happened. But its like towards the side. My dads friends was from like back to front and when his tongue swelled the bar went inside his tongue.. so it really depends on the angle.

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Very much so. Prior to splitting my tongue, I started to stretch it from a 14g that I had pierced it with, to a a 2g and started to develop a keloid. Fortunately, the keloid wasn't an issue, as it as in front of the rod and the scar was removed when I split it. And when I say "I" split it...I mean I split my own tongue!

I got my tongue pierced 5 days ago and I thought it was healing well with normal swelling and soreness but I noticed a small white bump in the front of my piercing. Is this scar tissue?

That is the tongues version of a scab and it will go away in a few days.

Is it possible to get your tongue split by a professional surgeon without first having your tongue pierced?

Yes. Tongue splitting is simply the act of cutting the median fibrous septum, which connects the two halves of the tongue. One may use a blade, or even a laser.The technique you are referring to is called a "tie-off", in which a string is threaded through the hole left by a pericing and tied at the front of the tongue. The idea is to tighten the string as time goes by, which will eventually stretch the hole and create a split.Read more about it here: http:/

Is the tongue of a frog attached to the front or the back?

Front of the frogs mouth.

Classification of vowel according to the position of tongue?

Vowels can be classified based on the position of the tongue in the mouth. The three main positions are front vowels (tongue towards the front of the mouth, like /i/ in "see"), central vowels (tongue in the middle, like /ə/ in "sofa"), and back vowels (tongue towards the back, like /u/ in "blue").

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The sticky tongue on the front of their mouth.

How is the frogs tongue well adapted for the type of food it eats?

The sticky tongue on the front of their mouth.

Why is a frog's tongue anchored in the very front?

So it can flick the tongue out long to catch prey

My arteries and veins are crossed can i get my tongue pierced still?

You sure can! Yesterday I got two adjacent piercings in my tongue. (Side-by-side, not front-to back.) Apparently I have lots of blood vessels in my tongues, so each piercing was done at a different angle. The entry points on top of my tongue are symmetrical, but because of the pattern of blood vessels on the underside of my tongue, the exit points look crooked and uneven. However no one sees the underside anyway! It's the top that is aesthetically pleasing. An experienced piercer should be able to pierce your veiny tongue! :P