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Yes, I do think it could be implantation bleeding. My advice would be to get a pregnancy test, preferably a First Response it gives you a positive as soon as 5 days before you miss your period, so if it's negative it is more probable that you are not pregnant since it should show up by now. But Good Luck! And don't give up if you are trying to conceive.

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Q: You got your period 2 days early but it is nothing like your regular period it is a paler shade of red and it has a eggwhite consistency to it also with tiny clots could it be implantation bleeding?
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Why would you be spotting?

Implantation bleeding and break through bleeding. Very common and nothing to worry about. If you are still concerned, see your ObGyn.

You had a little bleeding on CD29 and there has been nothing since so can that be implantation bleeding and how long should you wait to test?

7 days after implantation it is possible to show positive on a pregnancy test. If it's negative, wait a few days and test again.

Can implantation bleeding stop and start?

Yes, implantation bleeding can sometimes stop and start, appearing as light spotting on and off for a few days. This can be normal and is usually nothing to worry about. If you experience heavy bleeding, severe cramping, or other concerning symptoms, it's important to contact your healthcare provider.

Is implantation bleeding more common in smaller women?

No, size has nothing to do with it, and some women have a bleed in one pregnancy and not in another.

Can implantation bleeding be heavy?

yep, but i heard it still should be lighter than your normal menstrual, if you truly expect pregnany get the bleeding checked out for possibility of a misscarraige answer that's wrong that's just a period while pregnant. Implantation bleeding is a tiny bit of blood which will always stay light its nothing like a period and it doesn't follow a period pattern neither. Implantation bleeding is rare not every women gets it but also Implantation bleeding can look different for every girl who has it cause we all have different bodies. My implantation bleeding lasted 1 day which was string pink blood in my discharge. Implantation bleeding can last 1-3 days it can be a spot of blood or blood in discharge its tiny bit of blood you can hardly notice it so I wouldn't say it gets heavy or nothing like a period I think people are getting it wrong and that's why people are thinking Implanation bleeding is just like a period WHEN ITS NOT. FROM PINK PRINCESS

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I am seeing some haevy rectal bleeding, heavy in consistency. I already had a colonoscopy this year, IBS was diagnosed, nothing else. should i worry?

Do you have blood clots in implantation bleeding?

Blood clots can be implantation bleedingThere can be very tiny small clots. it's alright though no harm done. because i had that whenever i had implantation bleeding! AnswerI didn't but every girl is different Implantation can look different to any other girl who has it. Implantation bleeding is nothing like a period by the way.From the asker:Thanks alot, i was having trouble trying to find out what was happening to me. I had the brown discharge, nothing at all like blood, the cramps and it came down a few days before my period. I had unprotected sex a week before this happened and i was not sure if i was really going through implantation bleeding. I had all the signs, but the small clots freaked me OUT!!! Thanks alot for the answer, it was very useful.Ill take a test in 2 weeks to be sure

What is implantation bleeding and when does it happen?

Implantation bleeding is light spotting that can occur when a fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus, usually around 6-12 days after ovulation. It is a common early sign of pregnancy and typically lasts for a short period of time.

If you had your period for one day does that mean you're pregnant?

It is a possibility, it could be Implantation Bleeding. Implantation Bleeding is vaginal discharge which usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. About a third of pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. It can happen at the time the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, on average between 6 to 12 days past ovulation. Unless it is accompanied by cramping, backache or increased bleeding, a small amount of blood being discharged should be considered as implantation bleeding which is nothing to be concerned about.

You are 5 weeks and 2 days long you are lightly bleeding with some cramping you went to the hospital and they did a ultrasound where nothing was visible Is everything ok?

You are most likely having implantation bleeding, when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. Google implantation bleeding more info. It's very common, but if you want to be extra cautious, stay in bed a few days. Congratulations! Children are blessing from the Lord.

If i had implantation bleeding 2 weeks before my period then no bleeding until the 14th of April and now i have the same bleeding again just alittle heavier but no clots no pain you i turned 7 weeks o?

Yes you could be pregnant. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Answer by XxPinkPrincessxX Hi I got Implantation bleeding it can be red/pink/brown its nothing like a period 1 in 3 women get it. It can happen up2 3 days. I had Implantation bleeding mine was pink stringy blood in discharge that's all and 2 weeks later I got a period with no cramps it felt like i was not even on it was a really weird period.

If you're possibly pregnant how heavy is implantation bleeding and how long does it last?

implantation bleeding should be light pinkish and last a day Answer Hi it should last from a day or 3 Mine was stringy pink blood in discharge which lasted a day. Its nothing like a period its not heavy its just a spot of blood really which 1 in 3 women get at the beginning of pregnancy. From Pink princess