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Totally normal, I pee with a boner all the time.

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Q: You can piss while you have an erection if you push hard enough is something wrong with you?
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Is there something wrong with the girl if the guy cant get an erection but is turned on by her?


I piss out sperm after i get an erection but don't ejaculate. Is something wrong?

I think you should get that checked out.

What if a neutered dog has an erection that won't go away?

Then something has obviously gone wrong with the neutering.

Is there something wrong if a 14 year old can't get an erection easily?

No. It just mean you are not easy to get horny.

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No It is not, and if you are dumb enough to believe that then there is something very wrong with you...

If you practice a skill while you are tired or sore will your skill decrease on a permanent basis?

A person can 'learn' to do something wrong, like using a tennis racket inefficiently, but that is a different case than trying to learn something while tired or sore. That will probably improve a skill, but not enough to justify the effort.

What does misadjust mean?

Something that has been adjusted / changed but not correctly - either not enough or the wrong way.

If penis hasn't spit in 3 weeks is there something wrong with me?

it might happen while you sleep and you dont realize it. If you really think something is wrong, go to a doctor and they will help you out.

Is something wrong if a one and a half year old hermit crab has never changed its shell?

No nothing is wrong he has probobly not grown enough to change shells.

In the end what is right will be wrong and what is wrong will be right?

That's an interesting philosiphy but...... its wrong ! If something is right it is right . If something is wrong it is wrong but who is saying what is wrong and who is saying what is right ?_________________________________________ _______________________Although you said what is right so ... hey its just wrong okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_______________________________________________________________It is wrong.The above statetment is wrong when you read it rightly while it is right when you read it wrongly.

How do you stop getting erections over your sister?

Your question suggests to me that you might be thinking there is something wrong with you when you get an erection over your sister. There is nothing wrong with you. Your body is filled with testosterone right now and anything that moves, looks, smells, and sounds like a female is likely to give you an erection. It's not you - it's your body doing what it's supposed to do. You are NORMAL. You see her as your sister; your body sees her as a female, and to a boy at your age, female means, erection. That's just the way it is. So stop worrying about it. In fact, the next time you get an erection "Over your sister", say to yourself, "Excellent - I'm normal. And I understand why my body is doing this. I love my sister, but not in that way."

Is it wrong for a male nudest to get an erection around a female nudest?

No! It can happen. But if you are a true nudist, this normally does not happen.