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Q: You are two days overdue with your first pregnancy and you dont want to be induced What can you do to go into labor?
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Related questions

Is it normal to be overdue in pregnancy?

There are a lot of women who go overdue. The date of birth is just an estimate. If you go over two weeks (sometimes even more) the doctor will admit you to the hospital and they will give you medicine to start the labor.

Can drinking caster oil cause miscarriage?

It is good to take during pregnancy for women who are overdue and are tired of waiting. Caster oil will put you in labor.

Is it safe to induce labor when its your first pregnancy?

Yes. Most of the medications they use to induce are naturally occurring hormones in a women's body. Being induced shouldn't hinder any future pregnancies.

What is the purpose of induction of labor?

Induction of labor involves using artificial means to assist the mother in delivering her baby.

How far along in labor do you have to be for your water to break?

there is no set period. some women have o have their water broken by a doctor and some women have there water break and have to be induced for labor to start. It depneds on the woman and the pregnancy.

What characteristics does a successful induction of labor have?

Once labor is induced and the cervix has dilated, labor usually proceeds normally. When performed properly, induced labor is a safe procedure for both mother and baby.

What has the author George Gilmore Mc Shatko written?

George Gilmore Mc Shatko has written: 'History of the induction of labor' -- subject(s): History, Induced Labor, Labor, Induced

How many women get induced labor?


Why does labor need to be induced for a stillbirth?

If the mother does not go into labor, the doctor will bring on (induce) labor in order to prevent the risk of hemorrhage. Labor is usually induced by giving the mother a drug (oxytocin) that cause the uterus to contract.

You are 35 weeks pregnant and want to go into labor?

Talk to your doctor about the options. Maybe have it induced, but first talk to your doctor.

Which week you had labor at first pregnancy?

40 weeks and 6 days x

Does labor start at 3 cm dilation?

No. I have been dilated to 3 cm for over a week now. I was at 4 cm when I was induced with my first. My doctor said that one lady came in dilated to 10 cm (that's completely dilated) and was not in labor yet. She had to be induced.