Yes it does, im 15 and i think im pregnant, i feel cramped up after eatin and feeling sick. im going to the docs to see if i am tho .. i had sexual intercourse a day ago and you don't normally feel anythin but i am ..
No. You know that thing in the back of your throat? ( Not tonsil's ). I forgot what it's called, but sometimes, food hits it, and you can't feel it. When your pregnant, you throw up, ( Not because food hits the back of your throat ). You just feel sick when your pregnant. So don't worry when you throw up.
It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.
i am seven weeks pregnant and i have cramping everyday is it normal
its your hormones they may be out of wack happens alot...
could you be pregnant ???
If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.
Just haviing a strong cramping sensation, does not mean you are pregnant, you could miss this months period entirely and it could well come on time next months cycle.
Not really as it could just mean your not hungry at the moment
If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.