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i would have a peeling nose.

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Q: Would you rather have mild sunburn on your nose or your nose not sunburned but looking like its peeling?
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Why does sunburned skin peel rather than shed as a powder?

Sunburned skin peels rather than shedding as a powder because the top layer of skin becomes damaged by the sun's UV rays, causing it to die and eventually separate from the underlying layers. This process of peeling helps to remove the damaged cells and initiate the skin's healing response.

Is sunburn a chemical change?

No, sunburn is a physical change rather than a chemical change. It involves damage to the skin from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, rather than a change in the chemical composition of the skin.

How does a history of sunburn impact the risk for malignant melanoma?

It is not so much the total sun exposure that seems important, rather it is the history of sunburn, (especially if severe or at an early age), that correlates with the increased risk.

What type of heat transfer occurs when you get a sunburn?

RadiationNot really. Sunburn is not caused by heat at all, but by overexposure to ultra-violet (specifically UV-B) radiation. It causes damage directly to the DNA rather than heat damage to the skin.While the answer 'radiation' is technically correct as UV is a type of radiation, sunburn is not caused by heat transfer at all.

Is it bad if your nipples start peeling and getting ichy?

Yes. You need to go and speak to your doctor about it. I know it can be embarassing but it is better to get it checked out sooner rather than later

Is a sunburn a chemical or physical change?

A sunburn is considered a chemical change because it involves damage to the skin cells caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, rather than just a physical change like a change in color or texture. The UV radiation triggers biochemical reactions that lead to inflammation and skin cell damage.

Why do Cowboys wear vest?

they are constantly in the sun, so they wear long sleeves so they don't get sunburned. Let me add a bit to this one We wear long sleeved shirts year round because believe it or not they will keep you cooler it does stop sunburn but that's not the problem when you sweat your shirt will become damp and then any air movement makes the shirt feel cool once you start doing it you will never go back to a short sleeves again hint make sure you wear good deodorant I would rather be hot than smell bad

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You can be called a...nettle carrier

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What does it mean to be rather good looking?

It means you are attractive (aka pretty or handsome).

What should a girl do when she keeps looking and finding love in all the wrong places?

Stop looking! The" looking for" is the problem, you tend to see what you want rather than what is actually there. Just relax.