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Probably. Extremely high doses could cause your body to shut down to get rid of the high amounts of the drug in your system. You can die from consuming too much of pretty much anything.

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Q: Would you die if you take high dosage of sleeping pills?
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Can you take 180mg of pill form methadone?

NO! Methadone doesn't even come in 180 mg pills, which is a dosage high enough to kill you. The maximum dosage that can be safely taken at one time is 20 mg, but the average dosage is 10 mg at a time. So in order to take 180 mg at one time, you would have to take 18 of the 10 mg pills, which would be fatal.

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Does the dosage matter with birth control to keep it effective Or is it the lower the dosage the less affective it is or does it not matter. Does it still work not matter how high or low it is?

Both high and low dosages work the with same effectiveness. There isn't any difference. The trick is that the low dosage needs to be taken at the same time each day. With a high dosage, you are more "covered" if you forget to take one for about 12 hours. With a low dosage pill, you will also find you are unable to "skip" a period. The higher dosage pills allow you to sometimes continue on with the active pills and not take the sugar pills. You with therefore not have a period and therefore "skip" your period one month. Doctors prefer you to be on the lowest dosage pill that works for you. I took the lowest dosage pill for seven years with no problems.

Does the dosage matter with birth control to keep it effective Or is it the lower the dosage the less affective it is or does it not matter Does it still work not matter how high or low it is?

"Low dose" pills are not less effective.

How long does nerve pills stay in your system?

depends on... dosage, the pills halflife, tons of stuff determine the time its in your body. expIect any where from 10-12 hrs at the minimum. I agree with the other person. It depends on how much you took and how high the dosage was.

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high blood pressure drugs including water pills,certain antihistamines, antibiotic Linezolid , supplements that have St. John's wort or L-tryptophan, narcotic painkillers, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills

Why would a woman menstruate about 9 days before she is supposed to if she took her ortho tricyclene pill regularly?

This could be because you've experienced break through bleeding or that you are pregnant. Its most likely break through bleeding though if you haven't missed any pills. Break through bleeding usually occurs because the pills aren't working properly or the hormone dosage isn't high enough for you. See your doctor about increasing the dosage or starting a different BCP.

Why do birth control pills make you dizzy?

birth control pills acan make you dizzy as a side effect. usually it is because the dosage you are on is too high or that pill all in itself isn't working for you. talk to your doctor if the dizziness doesnt go away and get it changed

What blood pressure pills should not be taken with grapefruit?

You should take Viagra For high blood pressure, it is good because you can take it with grapefruit. Grapefruit increases the effectiveness of blood pressure pills, therefore, the normal dosage that you take without grapefruit will become an overdose with grapefruit.

Why would someone who claims to have a pill addiction never seem high?

Because their body gets so used to the drug that the drugs affects starts to lose affect. To get an effect they would have to continuously raising the dosage of the pill, or the amount of pills. So they could have a drug addiction without it showing any effects.

I weight 100lbs would I get high off of 140mg of Sudafed?

I cannot answer this question. Taking pills to get high is not right or good for your body.

Will snorting diet pills get you high?

Yes, although it won't do anything for you.