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Q: Would pulmonary flow rate increase after exercise?
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In lung cancer there are frequent tumers in the lymphatic tissue. These may reduce the flow in the pulmonary arteries. What impact would this have on the respiratory system?

The pulmonary arteries are responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood to the lungs so decreased flow would cause an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, which in return can increase hydrogen ion concentration. This can produce acidosis of the blood.

What Scenarios Would A Person Experience An Increase In Blood Flow?

Exercise, sexual arousal, and embarrassment can all cause increased blood flow to different parts of the body. Increased blood flow to the digestive organs happens after a meal.

How would you define pulmonary circulation?

pulmonary circulation the flow of blood from the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen, and back through the pulmonary vein to the left atrium.

What occurs when lungs receive normal airflow and reduced blood flow?

Alveolar 02 concentrations rise and results in vasodilation of the pulmonary vessels to increase blood flow to match the airflow.

The activity of which other body systems would be altered as a direct result of the exercise?

During exercise, the cardiovascular system would undergo changes to increase heart rate and blood flow to working muscles. The respiratory system would also be impacted to increase oxygen intake and remove carbon dioxide efficiently. Additionally, the musculoskeletal system would be engaged to support and facilitate movement during exercise.

Why does decreased pulmonary blood flow cause cyanosis?

Decreased pulmonary blood flow alone does not cause cyanosis. It is when decreased pulmonary blood flow is associated with right to left shunting (ie Tetralogy of fallot) that it is associated with cyanosis.

What flow of blood to and from the lungs?

pulmonary circulation

Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood to and from the?


What would experience a decreased blood flow during exercise?

no it actually stimulates blood flow

Would your skin experience a decreased blood flow during exercise?


Where would the blood go from the right ventricle?

From the right ventricle, the blood with flow through the pulmonary trunk and to the lungs.