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Usually, the clients/students learn how to control their emotions better. However, a few may become angrier in such a group. Here are some of the expected outcomes:

1. You learn that anger and aggression are not the same thing. You can be angry without shouting, slamming doors, throwing things, breaking things, or assaulting people.

2. You learn 4-5 strategies for dealing with anger, with 3 of those being unhealthy. Not all angry people are openly aggressive. They may be resentful or passive-aggressive instead. Neither resentment, aggression, or passive-aggression are good. Assertiveness is when you stand up for yourself more, and in a way that recognizes the rights of all parties involved. Rarely do they cover the other strategy where you don't take on the anger to begin with, as it is an advanced strategy. The issue might be too small to use the assertiveness approach, but you let go of it right then.

3. You learn the consequences of uncontrolled anger.

4. You learn to look for the warning signs of anger. The sooner you realize you are angry, the better, and the sooner you can take steps to divert it.

5. You learn that anger isn't always the main emotion. If you feel hurt, afraid, sad, embarrassed, or bored, it might come out as anger. For instance, "road rage" often has roots in fear. If another driver pulls out in front of you, the underlying emotion is fear, but it comes out as anger.

6. You learn how you developed your anger and what things you might need counseling for.

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10y ago

You do not have to attend anger management classes if you do not wish to as long as the court has not ordered you to do so. If you are curious about the classes you can attend them on your own for your own self benefit. If you find you are second guessing yourself and are really curious about it, then you should try and attend a class. If you find that you don't like it, you don't have to keep going. In addition, if you think you need help in a more private setting, it may be best to see a mental health doctor and they can further assist you.

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10y ago

The Anger Management class helps participants to learning to deal with it. The more important question before picking a class is " do you want to do it online or live?

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There are any number of anger management classes available. Check with you family doctor for a referral.

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The best resource to call for anger management classes is the local mental health facility in your area. The county hospitals administer free programs such as anger management so would recommend you call and make an appointment today.

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What does anger management include?

Anger management is a process where one can learn to control the underlined emotion of anger. It does NOT take the anger away, but it teaches one to engage in more positive way to diffuse the anger. I took anger management classes in N. C. and it was very, very productive.

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Get him into counseling and anger management classes.

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First your nephew should see a film "Anger Management". What about anger management classes that you can find some information there: or something more like

Taking a timeout is effective as an anger management tool?

(Apex) True.

Is Chris Brown in counseling?

he took anger management classes a few months ago

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