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YEs. The more you want to be pregnant the more you will make yourself believE that your pre-menstrual symptoms are pregnancy . It is not really phantom pregnancy since with the phantom pregnancy you will start growing a bump,etc.... but similar... My advice is: do not believe that you are pregnant unless it has been confirmed with a (or more) potive pregnancy tests!!!! However if you are planning a pregnancy eat healthy and avoid alcohol,caffeine,etc.... All the best!

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Q: Would a phantom pregnancy be happaning because im thinking about it to much?
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Can you still have positive pregnancy tests with phantom pregnancies?

yes because to have the phantom pregnancy your body secretes pregnancy hormones which is what pregnancy tests look for

Can you have pregnancy symptoms and not be pregnant?

Yes; it is called a phantom pregnancy. Which basically means that it is all psychological. Either you are very afraid, guilty, paranoid etc. about being pregnant that you think your mind into being pregnant or you want to be pregnant to bad that you fool your body into thinking that you are pregnant. You will experience pregnancy symptoms and can even lactate during a phantom pregnancy.

If you have a phantom pregnancy will the pregnancy test be positive?

Yes. In a phantom pregnancy, the body is tricked into feeling like it is pregnant. Consequently the same hormones present in a real pregnancy will be present in the body of someone who is undergoing a phantom pregnancy, and these hormones are what a pregnancy test detects.

Can a psychologic pregnancy affect a pregnancy test?

With a phantom, or psychological, pregnancy, you will NOT get a positive result. HCG in your system is caused by a growing embryo and if it is postitive, you do have a baby in there. A phantom pregnancy is where you basically fool your mind and body into thinking it is pregnant, when you are not. You will still experience pregnancy symptoms but you are not actually pregnant. It is all in your head. It may cause your period to delay, your breasts to become sore, "morning sickness" to occur but it will not cause your body to release HCG.

Phantom pregnancy in mares?

A horse who is experiencing a phantom pregnancy will have symptoms of an actual pregnancy. These symptoms include the horse being tired with a puffed up stomach.

What symptoms do dogs get when they have a phantom pregnancy?

The only difference between a phantom pregnancy and a real pregnancy is that with a phantom pregnancy you are not actually carrying a baby and you will usually have a period and a negative pregnancy test. You will have the same symptoms as a regular pregnancy and they can last at least as long as 7 months.Scroll down to related links and look at "False pregnancy - Wikipedia"

Will you experience your periods during a phantom pregnancy?

I have asked the same question. I wondering if you tricked your body into thinking you are pregnant then will you go through the pain. I am surely having pain.

Do pregnancy tests come up positive if it is a phantom pregnancy?

no... that kind of pregnancy is all in your head

Can you have a Phantom Pregnancy even if your a virgin?


You know someone who might be having a phantom pregnancy and feels lots of movement and being sick and you have felt the movements myself is this a phantom pregnancy?


What is the other name of imagery pregnancy?

If you meant 'imaginary' pregnancy - it's also known as a 'phantom pregnancy'

How long does a phantom pregnancy last?

I have heard of phantom pregnancies lasting as long as seven months!