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Cystic Fibrosis can but not always lead to fertility problems. In most men with CF, the tubes that carry sperm are blocked, which causes infertility (approx 95%). Because underweight women are more likely to have irregular menstrual cycles, the nutritional problems associated with CF may affect fertility.

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Q: Would a person with Cystic Firosis be sterile?
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What would be the genotype of a person with cystic fibrosis?

The genotype of a person with CF is cc. The genotype of a carrier of a CF mutation is Cc.

How do black people get cystic fibrosis?

The Same Way Any other person would get CF (Cystic Fibrosis), although it's Very Rare For African Americans to get it. Cystic Fibrosis is most common among Caucasians.

Why would lipase be low?

Low lipase levels often point to problems with the pancreas. It can also indicate that the person has cystic fibrosis.

Are twin heifers sterile?

No. A heifer would only be sterile if she was twinned with a bull calf.

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There are a number of different reasons why a person's lungs might stop working. For instance, a person could become choked, and that would stop the lungs. Or, a person might have a disease like cystic fibrosis, where the lungs essentially give out.

Will the offspring have cystic fibrosis if the mother is FF and father is Ff?

No. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease. Each parent would have to be a carrier of a CF mutation and would be Cc.

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You are not required to use transfer forceps during a surgical procedure of you are wearing sterile gloves to handle sterile instruments in the sterile field.

What would happen if all individuals in a species were sterile not able to have babies?

If all individuals in a species were sterile the species would become extinct

Which of your friends would be more vulnerable to give you cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis can't be "caught". It is an inherited disease passed down in the genes to family members.

How will you be guaranteed not to get food poisoning?

The only way you could guarantee no food poisoning would be to sterilize all your food before eating, which would make most foods unpalatable. And to eat with sterile gloves and sterile utensils in a sterile environment.

Why should 2 persons with cystic fibrosis not interact?

If two people with cystic fibrosis were to have children then the kids would also have it. Also, cystic fibrosis is a pretty nasty disease. It's where the mucus that protect organs etc becomes thick and sticky and the person with it often ends up with serious lung diseases or intestinal infections which can be dangerous, painful and expensive. But it's the parents who are the ones choosing whether they want this for there children.

A husband and wife have a son with cystic fibrosis Their second child a daughter does not Prepare a pedigree for this family?

To have cystic fibrosis both parents have to be a carrier. Each parent passes on one of their genes to their children; they each have one healthy and one cystic fibrosis gene. The child with cystic fibrosis receives a cystic fibrosis gene from each parent. The other child has at least one healthy gene if she does not have cystic fibrosis, though she could be a carrier. hope it would help