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Not necessarily

There is no TRUE SELF. There's nothing in there. They don't deal with reality at all.

They are hollow soul less and destructive. My N husband was even more convinced that he was "all that" when he was drunk.

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Q: Would a narcissist reveal his true self if he got drunk?
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If a narcissist got drunk would their true self come out?

No, there facade is very well put together even when wasted. However sometimes little things slip through.

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It could depend on who the narcissist is, whether they are male or female, and their age. In general the answer would be no. Actually narcissists are very self involved and/or self centered people and would not be as comfortable,mainly because they not the one and only center of attention. A nudist resort is about accepting others and existing equally. A narcissist is nothing like that.

Can a narcissist be self-diagnosed?

Usually not.

What do you call a person who fancies them self?

A Narcissist

What is an antonym for the word narcissist?

The antonym for the word narcissist is altruist. An altruist is someone who selflessly cares for the well-being of others, in contrast to a narcissist who is excessively self-involved.

What is an narcissist?

The two concepts are not often connected, but emasculated means deprived of masculinity (in literal terms that would mean castrated, although the term is more likely to be used metaphorically) and a narcissist is a person who is absorbed in self-love and does not care about other people. These are both unattractive personality traits, so an emasculated narcissist would be pretty bad.

How do you make a narcissist happy?

Firstly we have to understand what narcissism is and what happiness is for a narcissist. It is very different in all aspects of emotion. Narcissism is essentially an absolute self denial and an obsession with a fake self. A narcissist has zero emotional intelligence and has to act out a fake existence of a fake self. There is no spontaneous response to anything. All behaviour is rationalised and part of a manipulation process to sustain a fake image. Happiness for a self aware human being is a function of emotional intelligence. It is a true feeling. It can be a spontaneously triggered sensation of wellness within the soul of a self aware personality. Without self awareness, there is no home for this emotional response called happiness. Without self awareness, happiness can only be a judgment made based on a set of circumstances that would indicate preciseness of a desired condition. I would like to change the word happiness to something else for a Narcissist. For a narcissist, happiness does not exist in my opinion, in the form known to an emotionally intelligent person. For a Narcissist, happiness may be an awareness of evidence that the fake self is intact and spectacular. So the answer to the question is as follows. To make a narcissist happy we must understand the nature of their fake self. Then we apply adoration that will enhance this image. We must continue to provide this adoration. This is not a satisfiable appetite and without a constant supply a Narcissist will be stressed. The fake self is created as the main tool in the process of complete self denial. Should the fake self loose its status, clarity or dominance, then the true self may begin to emerge and this is the Narcissists greatest fear. So the fake self will indeed be a kudos seeking megalomaniac in its behaviour.

Why is your ex narcissist partner telling lies about you?

It is what they do. Why do flies fly? That is what you would expect them to do. They are very self centered. That is why you don't get involved with people like that.

Do narcissist care if people don't like them?

It would depend on how self-centered they are, after all everybody has feelings, that's part of being human.

What is an emasculated narcissist?

The two concepts are not often connected, but emasculated means deprived of masculinity (in literal terms that would mean castrated, although the term is more likely to be used metaphorically) and a narcissist is a person who is absorbed in self-love and does not care about other people. These are both unattractive personality traits, so an emasculated narcissist would be pretty bad.