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Yes of course a nacrisisst would say and do that. I had an affair with one that send me I love you cards every week and was obessive with the I love yous etc. I love you forever, then just stopped one day cut off all emotion took off his mask and thought nothing of it. When I questioned it he said "THATS WHAT I DO." and laughed.

When I told him he emotionally abandoned me, he said my wife says the same thing, that's when I started researching it and relized he was a narcissist. The behaviour was so bizarre I knew it wasn't normal.

When he emailed me if I didnt answer within an hour I would get another email R U ALRIGHT? because he couldn't stand the lack of attention. Every time I was busy with something and I told him, I would start getting emails from him, he did it on purpose just to see if I would stop what i was doing to email him back from my blackberry. He is still in touch with me but I am so turned off by his sick behavior. I see right thru it. Unless I admire or compliment him, he is sour grapes. I tested it out several times, as soon as I dart off a compliment email he is all over it and becomes Euphoric, they get high from it. God forgive him but now I am playing him just to see how sick he is and it isn't pretty. My sympathies go out to his wife and family. All he did was put her down. I am sure she is a lovely woman and she is trapped with him (total garbage).

Also he would take his time answering me when he gets twisted over something even if I emailed him and said "are you alright." That was his license not to answer me for days.

They also take take take, never acknowledge your birthday or anything else. I received plenty of I love cards, but never a Christmas acknowledgement or birthday." Not even a card.

You will never have a good life with a narcissist.

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Q: Would a narcissist actually tell you he loves you- no woman has ever been so good to him and the next day say he doesn't remember saying it?
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