if your question is regarding Cervical cancer then only a total hysterectomy which removes the uterus and cervix would prevent cervical cancer. A hysterectomy leaves the cervix in place.
A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Removal of the uterus renders the woman unable to bear children. So if you have had a hysterectomy the chances of you getting pregnant is 0%. It is impossible. Sorry.
It may help "prevent" pregnancy, but no pill is 100% guaranteed to keep someone from getting pregnant. The only proven methods are * totally abstaining from sexual activities * having a hysterectomy operation
No. hysterectomy only removes uterus. The ovaries produce the ova (eggs) so unless you have a bilateral (both) oopherectomy you will still ovulate.
To keep a comatose patient from getting pressure ulcers they should be kept on a turning schedule. It would also benefit them to have an air mattress on their bed.
It depends on what job you would do.
Would like to know
I don't think a surgeon would perform this operation and you should talk to your doctor regarding termination first providing its within the time guidelines.
Bad grades in a class would keep a high school student from getting into college, because the student would struggle if not fail at the standard level of work, that is studied and expected from the college.
If you are getting gas and rapidly getting rid of it (or burning it) or if your car is broken.
No. Hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus which is where the baby grows.
sleeping reading getting a word in music/movie
They would throw them overboard to keep the other slaves from getting sick.