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Yes, they can. I have a 10 week old little girl still living to prove it. Lots of prayers and God pulled her through. She was born at 28 weeks and weighed in at 4 lb and 1/2oz and she should had weighed 2 lb so 1/2 her body was fluid. So believe and pray we made a sign for her bed that said (I am healing in Jesus name) and we believed it and she healed in Jesus name:)

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Q: Would a hydrops baby survive after birth?
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No that would be a miscarriage. No baby will survive it that early.

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No they can not. There has been a few cases in this world but in general no. The question was water breaking, not birth. Yes, your baby can survive. The hospital will put you on bed rest, repress birth with drugs and inject you with steroids to promote faster growth. As long as you can hold of giving birth for as many weeks as possible, there is a good chance the baby can survive.

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Can baby survive at 32 weeks?

At 32 weeks a baby would generally survive, however may need to be in an incubator for a while and have some help breathing

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According to the Guinness World Records, the largest baby born in the US weighed 22 pounds at birth. This occurred in 1879, and unfortunately, the baby did not survive.

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Which Mammal dies after giving the birth to their baby?

I know of no mammal that dies after birth. It would be against the nature of mammals since they nurse the baby and have to look after it.

You used to had a birth control would that casued not have a baby?

once you stop taking birth control, it might take a while, but it will not keep you from having a baby.