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would a gall baldder attack cause pain in my lower abdom days later and numbness in my right leg and right hand

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Q: Would a gallbladder attack cause lower leg numbness?
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What can cause pain in the gallbladder?

Gallstones cause pain and blockage in the gallbladder. More rarely, a person can get cancer of the gallbladder, but this is very rare.

What would cause numbness in left second toe?

Many things could cause numbness in the left second toe. It could be infection, inflammation, or trauma. If numbness persists for more than a few days, seek a physician's help.

What would cause a twitch and slight numbness above your eye?

Getting punched there

What do you do when you have had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing what feels like a gallbladder attack?

If you've had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing symptoms similar to a gallbladder attack, it could be due to other underlying issues such as bile reflux or post-cholecystectomy syndrome. It's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the cause of the symptoms and to receive appropriate treatment. Keep track of your symptoms and any triggers that may aggravate them.

What would cause numbness in your left arm left side of your chest and in the back of your head that radiates to only the left side of your face?

Possible Heart Attack (MI) Possible Heart Attack (MI)

What would cause face numbness drooling and started from a cold sore?

I recommend you see an exorcist.

Can a bad gallbladder cause heartburn?

I would say yes. there are lots of things that can cause heartburn. even though the problem is not in your heart.

Can a cold sore cause facial numbness?

Because the herpes virus affects nerves, and is dormant in nerves, an outbreak of any kind of herpes can cause some numbness and tingling in the area.

What would be the cause of burpping for hours?

Nervous habits or some medical conditions, such as an ulcer or a gallbladder problem.

What is in beer that would stop filtering and storing of toxins so that it would cause build-up to cause pancreatitis?

It is gallstones in the gallbladder that can cause toxins to stay in your system. This can lead to pancreatic cancer.

What can cause total body NUMBNESS?

Two common causes would be psychosomatic disorders or the disease, Leprosy.