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Klippel Feil syndrome can occur in association with scoliosis, spina bifida, cleft palate and defects involving the urinary tract, kidneys, heart, brain, and skeleton

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Q: With what other associated abnormalities can Klippel Feil syndrome occur?
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What is the cause of Klippel Feil syndrome?

Klippel Feil syndrome is believed to occur during very early fetal development, when the cervical vertebrae do not segment normally. The exact mechanism that causes the defect is unkown

Is amniotic band syndrome genetic?

Amniotic band syndrome is not considered to be genetic. It is believed to occur randomly during fetal development when fibrous bands from the amniotic sac wrap around parts of the developing fetus, leading to physical abnormalities.

What happens when Nondisjuntion during meiosis at the 21 chromosome?

The most common deffect that will occur with there is nondisjunction on the 21st chromosome is downs syndrome. Downs syndrome is a mental illness that can cause some physical abnormalities such as a large forhead, but also some intellectual delays.

Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome?

DefinitionKlippel-Trenaunay syndrome is a rare condition that is present at birth. The syndrome usually involves port wine stains, excess growth of bones and soft tissue, and varicose veins.Alternative NamesKlippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome; KTS; Angio-osteohypertrophy; Nevus varicosus osteohypertrophicus syndrome; Hemangiectasia hypertrophicans; Nevus verucosus hypertrophicansCauses, incidence, and risk factorsMost cases of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome occur for no apparent reason. However, a few cases are thought to be passed down through families (inherited), possibly as an autosomal dominanttrait.SymptomsMany port wine stains or other blood vessel problems, including dark spots on the skin.Varicose veins (may be seen in early infancy, but are more likely to be seen later in childhood or adolescence)Other possible symptoms:Bleeding from the rectumBlood in the urineSigns and testsPersons with this condition may have excessive growth of bones and soft tissue. This occurs most commonly in the legs, but it also may affect the arms, face, head, or internal organs.Support GroupsIt may be helpful to join a support group in which members share common problems and concerns.The following organizations provide further information on Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome:The Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Support Group --www.k-t.orgVascular Birthmarks Foundation -- www.birthmark.orgExpectations (prognosis)Most individuals with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome do well, despite their cosmetic appearance. However, there can be related psychological problems.ReferencesGarzon M, Huang J, Enjolras O, Frieden I. Vascular malformations. Part II: associated syndromes. J Am Acad Derm. April 2007; 56(4): 541-64.

What is Klippel-Feil Syndrome?

Klippel-Feil Syndrome is a rare condition where there is a congenital fusion of at least two of the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck. This can lead to restricted neck movement and other associated abnormalities in the spine and other parts of the body. Treatment involves managing symptoms and complications, such as physical therapy and monitoring for any potential spinal cord issues.

What causes disorders such as Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner syndrome?

Klinefelter's syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome in males (XXY), typically resulting in developmental and hormonal differences. Turner syndrome is caused by the complete or partial absence of one of the X chromosomes in females (X0), leading to underdeveloped ovaries and infertility. Both conditions occur due to chromosomal abnormalities during conception.

Does turner syndrome occur in boys?

No, Turner syndrome affects girls.

Can Alice in wonderland syndrome be inherited?

There is limited evidence to suggest that Alice in Wonderland syndrome may have genetic components, but more research is needed to confirm this. The syndrome is often associated with migraines and can occur at any age. It is more commonly linked to factors such as neurological conditions, infections, and drug use.

What is Encopresis?

Abnormalities relating to bowel movements that can occur as a result of stress or fear

What are some abnormalities in human when meiosis goes wrong?

Some abnormalities in humans when meiosis goes wrong include aneuploidy (having an abnormal number of chromosomes), which can lead to conditions like Down syndrome. Other abnormalities can result from errors in crossing over, leading to genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. Non-disjunction during meiosis can also cause infertility or miscarriages.

Why did evolution not occur in down syndrome?

Down Syndrome is a the addition of an extra chromosome and not really related to evolution. It is more of a genetic mutation that causes this event to occur.

What is the Effects of nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction can lead to abnormal chromosome numbers in daughter cells, resulting in conditions such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome. This can cause developmental issues, intellectual disabilities, and various physical abnormalities in affected individuals.