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no, if you are wondering that for drugs, they will test you and the baby

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Q: Will your placenta be tested after you give birth?
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Do dolphions have placenta?

Dolphins are mammals, give live birth, so also have a placenta.

Low lying placenta and baby is back to back what problems does this give you?

You have the risk of the placenta blocking the birth canal. Possible C section

What organs does the placenta give a baby?

The placenta gives nutrition to the fetus, it does not give organs.

What makes placental different from other animals?

Placental animals give birth to live young that have been nourished in the womb by the placenta.

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Birth Day - 2000 PIH Placenta was released on: USA: 21 December 2001

What is an abnormal condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall before the birth of fetus?

Placenta abruptio or placental abruption is abnormal separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.

What to remove after goat gave birth?

The afterbirth or placenta.

What happen if tne dog give a birth and finish to giving birth and still something came out from her body?

If a dog appears to be finished giving birth but continues to have something protruding from her body, it could be a retained placenta or a puppy that did not come out during the initial birthing process. This can be a serious issue that requires immediate veterinary attention to prevent infection and complications.

What is the the other name for placenta?

The placenta is some times called the 'after birth' as it is expelled from the uterus after the baby is born.

What happens in the placenta after birth?

After birth, the placenta is expelled from the mother's body in a process known as afterbirth. It is no longer needed as the baby is no longer connected to the mother's blood supply. In some cultures, the placenta is traditionally buried or disposed of in a specific way.

What is the function of umbilical vein in fetus after birth?

It nourishes the fetal pig.

Can diabetes be tested at birth?

yes diabetes can be tested at birth because if your parents have it then it's a possibility that you inherited it through birth