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If untreated, YES.

But it takes a while. In the (good) old days it was often 20 years or more.

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Q: Will you die from syphilis
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Can you die of syphilis's?

You can die of untreated syphilis. Syphilis is easily treated, so it's not necessary to let it kill you.

How did hyder Ali die?

Contracted syphilis and died

What has the author Ernest Finger written?

Ernest Finger has written: 'Die Syphilis und die venerischen Krankheiten' -- subject(s): Sexually transmitted diseases, Syphilis

What did Bram Stoker die from?

It is believed that he died of Tertiary Syphilis.

What kind of fever did Michelangelo die from?

He died from a slow fever.

How did Robert Schumann die?

No, it wasn't schizophrenia depression. He died from syphilis and pneumonia. Back then, people who contracted syphilis were placed in asylums because they were considered crazy. I can only imagine how he was treated there.

What did Catherine Hershey die of?

Catherine (Kitty) Hershey died on March 25th, 1918 from syphilis which is an STD that slowly weakens your muscles. Syphilis is occasionally referred to as locomotor ataxia. Eventually, people suffering from syphilis often die from complications of pneumonia or organ failure. Kitty Hershey officially died from the pneumonia which as I said above is a common complication of syphilis.

What did Vincent van goths brother die with?

His name was van GOGH! Theo died of syphilis.

When did John Batman Die?

John Batman died on the 6th of May 1839.

When did Dino Campana die?

Dino Campana died on March 1, 1932, in Scandicci, Tuscany, Italy of syphilis.

What did people die from in shakespeares time?

The usual things: diseases (plague and syphilis were big ones), accidents, old age.

Have dogs got syphilis?

No Syphilis is a human diesese that can not be transferred to pets