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Anorexia is in the head. Most girls with eating disorders have one because of something triggering in their life to lead to it. Those who try to be anorexic are called wannarexics. They are probably looking for attention.

You do not have to be diagnosed by a doctor. Some people hide it well for years or just don't go to a doctor.

It's very common, and I believe can be contagious, especially in today's world. You aren't born with anorexia, it's society and your environment/home life.

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Q: Will you become anorexic if you just stop eating?
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Would it be ok if you tried to be anorexic just until you were skinny enough?

No. It is essentially to just "become" anorexic and similarly to just then "stop". Anorexia is a real and dangerous eating disorder that is caused by serious mental distress.

Will you become anorexic from eat fruits and veggies only I am Just wondering im tryin to chang my eatin habit but i was wounder if you could become anorexic from only eating fruit and veggs thanks?

No, being anorexic is not a diet it's an illness. It's when you stop eating because you believe your fat. I hope this answers your question.

How do you stop anorexic?

eating usually helps

I am scared that I'm becoming anorexic but I've been on lots of diets and they don't work what can i do?

Being anorexic is a serious disorder. Even if you diet frequently, that does not mean you are anorexic. If you stop eating or become unhealthily obsessed with your figure and do become underweight, then seeking help would be your wisest option.

If you have a fear of choking and stop eating doesnt mean your anorexic?

Not exactly, no.

How do you start bieng anorexic?

You stop eating! Anorexia is when you don't eat. Or you eat very little (like 200 calories). And you over exercise, and you're basically just not eating! It's a bit of a silly question. You're ultimately asking, "How do you start being someone who does not eat." You just stop eating!

Can a Baby become Anorexic?

Anorexia is a mind disease where people decide (subconsciously or consciously) to stop eating because they see themselves as too fat. Babies do NOT have this mental capacity, and if they do stop eating it's a metabolism problem.

How can you stop anorexia?

get a diagnosis from a doctor to make sure you are anorexic. Then, take small steps to start eating healthier.

Can cows be anorexic?

Answer: hahha, animals can not be anorexic, they don't have the brain humans have to send them negative signals that make them stop eating. animals will eat if they can, but anorexia does not exist. if a cow looks anorexic it's because he doesn't get fed enough, its sick, or it can't find food, but definitely not anorexic.

Can eating unhealthy prevent your period?

Amennorhea, the medical term for not having your period, can be brought on by unhealthy eating. Many women who are anorexic stop having periods for a while.

How do you act when you are anorexic?

Basically you hate everyone! You never hang around with your friends, you lock yourself away in your room just sitting there on the phone, computer or reading a magazine. It's not good for you! Trust me, I'm anorexic! And as you seem to be a wannabe anorexic don't just stop eating, you still eat but only 1/4 of every meal you eat and you exercise like mad! Don't do it.. your end up dyin! x

How can you become a vegetarians?

stop eating meat