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I would answer yes. I had a rash around my waist and on both sides of my torso for a couple of years. About five days ago, I thought I would cut down on salting my food.

Amazingly, my rash has subsided. I have tried everything! I thought I was allergic to every food and every supplement, and every laundry detergent. Now I know it is salt.

Also, eating in restaurants make the rash come back, but I am going to check into requesting no forms of MSG be put on my food and see how that goes.

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Q: Will too much salt in diet cause a rash?
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What happens when you have to much salt in your diet?

Usually if you have too much salt in your diet it can lead to you feeling sluggish, bloated, and can cause high blood pressure.

Too much salt causes what?

Too much salt can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause heart disease and other health problems.The recommended daily intake for salt is 2,5-5 g; too much salt in the diet is considered now as a cause of high arterial pressure.

Does salt cause headaches?

Yes, it can. Depending on the amount. Salt causes water retention, which increases blood pressure, which can cause a headache. Long term use of too much salt can cause health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. That too, can cause more headaches. An old traditional method of suicide involved consuming a pound or so of salt. That'd possibly cause headaches for more people besides just yourself! Salt is needed in the diet, but a well-balanced diet already contains enough. Potassium chloride tastes like salt, and is among the modern commonly used salt substitutesfor table salt (sodium chloride) for those on a low sodium diet, but salt substitutes have their own sets of negative medical side effects.

Too much salt in the diet can lead to what?


Why salt should be used with moderation?

Salt is needed in the diet, but a well-balanced diet already contains enough salt. Salt = table salt = sodium chloride (This answer also refers to sea salt.) Short term use of salt causes water retention, which increases blood pressure, which can cause a headache. Long term use of too much salt can cause more health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. That too, can cause more headaches. An old traditional method of suicide involved consuming a pound or so of salt. That'd possibly cause headaches & problems for more people besides just yourself! Potassium chloride tastes like table salt, and is among the modern commonly used salt substitutes for table salt (sodium chloride) for those on a low sodium diet, but salt substitutes have their own sets of negative medical side effects.

How can you avoid hyponatraemia?

Avoid certain medications and drinking too much water without salt in the diet. Make sure health problems that cause it are treated.

Can too much salt cause a red skin rash?

Yes, both my husband get these rashes that itch from ingesting too much salt. I am not a doctor, but through trial and error, I do this to take the "itchiness" away: I put rubbing alcohol on the rash, then wipe w/pure water, then dry the area, then put noxema and carmex on the skin and avoid wearing anything tight over the skin so the skin can breathe. I also sometimes put talc powder (either plain or for powder for atheletics foot) on top as that seems to dry up the rash. When the rash isn't too bad, I just use the rubbing alcohol and noxema (original version). The salt seems to creep in when we go out to eat and is in just about every half-way instant food. Afterwards, I drink lots of liquids the next day to flush the salt out.

Should you drink beer on a salt free diet?

My guess would be no. If you are trying to be on a totally salt free diet, then no because most beers have some salt in it. It may not be much salt but beer does have salt in it. However, if you are on a low salt diet, then yes, since most beers only have a small amount of per in it per serving.

What happens if there is to much salt in your diet?

It will reduce the content of blood in your body

What can cause a swollen ankle?

It could be one of three things: 1. your ankel is not able to support your weight 2. you injured it and it is swalllen 3. too much salt in your diet

How do people get high blood?

too much sodium aka salt in their diet or to much sugar !!

What can to much salt do to you?

it can cause Heart diseases, and can sometimes cause death