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Q: Will the woman experience menopause if she has a hystectomy with her ovaries?
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Do ovaries disintigrate after 30years?

No, but over time they will stop releasing eggs and the woman will enter into menopause.

What are menarche and menopause?

Menarche is the first menstrual flow onset of puberty in girls while menopause is the time when ovaries of a woman stop releasing eggs.

Does having her ovaries out cause a woman to be more emotional and cry easier?

If you aren't given hormone replacement, then yes, it can. Usually when a woman has her ovaries removed she is given a prescription for HRT (hormone replacement therapy), especially if she hasn't gone through menopause yet. The ovaries are what actually produce the hormones, so if the hormones aren't replaced, she will go through instant, medically induced menopause.

What does menopause do?

By the time a woman reaches her late 30s or 40s, her ovaries begin to produce less estrogen and progesterone and release eggs less often.

What are the main reasons a woman must have her ovaries removed?

A woman would have to have her ovaries removed if there was an infection in her ovaries. An infection in a woman's ovaries can be serious and life threatening. it would be safer to just remove the ovaries.

Why do people experience menstruation?

Each month a woman's body prepares for the release of an egg from her ovaries and the potential implantation of a fertilised egg (embryo) in her womb. To do this it sloughs off the preperations it made in the previous month and this is called Menstruation. Menstruation starts in puberty when a young woman begins to release eggs and ends in with the Menopause somewhere between 40 and 60.

Can people die of menopause?

No ! menopause is just a phase in a woman's life.

What is the primary female reproductive organs?

Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman (or female).

Can you ovulate after menopause?

No, you can't still ovulate after menopause. Menopause is the process by which a woman's body comes to the end of it's reproductive years and the woman stops producing eggs. Although menopause can take years, once through menopause there is no more ovulation.

What is the meaning of menos pause?

Menopause is the transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs, her body produces less estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation becomes less frequent, eventually stopping altogether. Read this and in has LOTS more information.

What about pregnancy after menopause?

A woman stops producing eggs at menopause, so no. A woman stops producing eggs during pregnancy too, so if a woman is pregnant they are not in menopause.

Where is the egg in a woman's body?

In the ovaries