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No. And you're pretty much able to eat anything. You have to have enough insulin for your food, and you have to look at the carb count and weigh the food on the special scale. It shouldn't do harm.

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Q: Will the Nutrisystem diabetic diet do any harm to diabetics?
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Is Nutrisystem safe for a child?

Parnets need to consult their child's primary doctors to see if the Nutrisysem is a good choice for them. Because children do not understand the knowlefge behind diet meals it could do more harm than good.

Why increase water with diabetes?

You will need to increase your water intake because as a diabetic, the excess sugar in your blood triggers the kidneys to void more frequently. Also you can dilute the concentration of sugar in your blood with water. If you drink diet soda as a substitute for water, you may be doing yourself more harm than good. There is evidence that diet sodas increase the cravings for sweets, and also that you may increasing your likelihood of having a vascular event ( stroke) by as much as 61%. I use ReStore Energy, an energy formula, with no sugar, no caffeine, and low carbs. It is like a Gatorade for diabetics.

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people with diabetis are not obligated to fast.If the conditoin it s not harm your health you can is in your hand to fast or not.

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Carbon is not recommended in your diet. Elemental carbon can not be utilized by your body. It does not harm you if you take powder of carbon in your diet.

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eggs are and did u know that EGGS ARE DAIRY!

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It will not do any harm to grow Aponogeton in the turtle aquarium. This plant is fine for your turtle to eat as part of a wider, varied diet.

Is biscuits harm full for squirrels?

No, however, biscuits should not be the only part of a squirrel's diet.

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It won't do any harm, but it doesn't have the correct cat's diet.

Do vegan diets harm you in any way?

If you don't consume enough nutrients, such as protein and calcium, then a vegan diet can harm you because these are nutrients from main food groups you aren't eating.

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Not nearly as much as the other guy. More psycholocical than physical but it would not be a healthy diet.

What are normal sugar levels for someone who is not diabetic?

For someone who is not diabetic normal sugar levels should be within the range of 80-110. If your blood sugars are beyond that, you should consider seeing your doctor to get tested for diabetes. You should also watch your sugar intake because it can do a lot of harm to your body in the long run.