The easy answer is, neither bigger or smaller. Your butt is just sitting there. Think of aerobic exercise as a whole body exercise. However, it will get smaller if you are starting with a more than average fat supply. And, if your intensity and mileage is high enough, you will be building muscle in your legs, and butt area, but most people will not experience a bigger butt.
no way it makes it smaller
Cock'o'nut. so if we eat cockonut our butt will become big? i already have a huge butt i want to make it smaller bread will make your butt bigger
alot of people are asking this question''do squats really make your butt bigger''?the answer is no squats do not make your butt bigger for the simple fact that a squat is a type of excersise and ussaully what does exersises do for you. they ussally make you skinner right well that is exactly what a squat does to your but is make your butt smaller
It does,But Oatmeal makes your butt BIGGER.
Sports and exercise do not make your butt bigger, but they in fact make it smaller. Try laying around and eating potato chips for better results on the butt enlargement.
You can not. However, you could make your butt bigger if you want to make your butt look bigger in anything. Just eat and sit on your butt, and it will grow.
Touching your butt will not make it grow bigger. There are exercises that work your gluteus maximus which can increase the size of your butt.
No they make you bigger! No they make you bigger!
They will make your butt firm and perky.
No, spinach has no special ability to make your butt bigger. .