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Ppl who already have a illness have a hightened risk of getting weorse then others if they get it of course. Just like with the ordinary flu. But there's no direct link between H1N1 and ppl with Aids specifically. Considering it gets to your respiratory organs ppl with Asthma can also have a hightened risk.

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Q: Will people with AIDS die because of the swine flu?
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Yes, people will die from AIDS.

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Children are dying from swine flu because people of any age can die from any type of flu including seasonal.

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no jesus didnt die on aids because he was crucified on a cross

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Aids usually kills a victim within 10 years. usually because people who fall victim to aids don't actually die from AIDS, AIDs weakens one's immune system making it difficult for the victim of aids to survive an illness and will eventually die from not being able to combat an illness.

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The swine flu already hit in 2009. As of 2011, annual flu shots include a vaccine for swine flu.

Do people die from AIDS?


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How can people die from AIDS?

by getting it

How long does it take for an aids virous to die?

It doesn't. It's with you for life. Most people die from Aids