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Menthol has a cool soothing effect on the skin and your body's senses. Also, if used in the right amount, it can tighten pores for a smoother look. The downside to menthol is that it dry's up the skin. If your have dry skin I suggest you don't use it. However oily to normal skin can receive a balenced look from menthol. Try including these ingredients in a homemade facial scrb, becasue they do contain methol:



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Q: Will menthol burn the skin
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Mint contains menthol, which can cause a cooling sensation when applied to the skin. However, if your skin is sensitive or if there are any open cuts or irritations, the menthol in the mint shower gel can cause a burning sensation instead of a cooling one. It's best to avoid using mint shower gel near sensitive areas or broken skin to prevent this discomfort.

Is menthol drying?

Yes, menthol can have a drying effect on the skin when used topically in high concentrations. It may also cause irritation or sensitization in some individuals. It is recommended to use products containing menthol in moderation and to test a small patch of skin before widespread use.

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What affect will menthol have when added to topical preparation?

Menthol produces a cooling sensation on the skin. This is not an actual lowering of skin temperature, but occurs because it directly triggers the nerves that are sensitive to cold. It may also enhance the effects of other compounds in the topical preparation.

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Gold Bond powder is a skin care product that is available over-the-counter. The active ingredients in Gold Bond are zinc oxide and menthol. Menthol is for itch relief and zinc oxide is meant as a skin protectant.

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