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yes it will reduce swelling and feel good but you're going to need a root canal

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Q: Will ice help a tooth absess?
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Related questions

Is a tooth absess a bacterial infection?

Yes, a tooth abscess is a bacterial infection. You have many species of bacteria in your mouth and this is the cause of one of those abscess.

How do you know you have a abscessed tooth?

An absess is a pocket of infection. The area swells up, feels hot, and is very painful.

Can I have my tooth extracted if I have an absess below tooth. One dentist says ok another says the infection would have to clear first or could be dangerous to remove. Any advice please?

I had a friend with a similar problem and his dentist told him he had to wait until the infection was gone because it is very dangerous to operate on an absess tooth. It may be painful now but eventually it will be over and if you risk it and do the operation too soon it could result in worse pain than before. My friends dentist told him removing an absess tooth can actually kill you from infection and whatever else.

What causes an absess?

Abscessed tooth only happens for three reasons; when teeth are damaged such as an untreated cavity, a person brushed their teeth properly, and lastly the gum diseases. Those are the three causes to an abscessed tooth.

What was the biggest tooth ever?

The biggest animal tooth in the world was from the saber tooth tiger which lived in the ice age.

What do ice and tooth fish eat?

tooth fish eat people tooth fish eat people tooth fish eat people

Could a lump on the gums that swells and retreats from time to time be cancer?

It may be an absess. See a dentist because you can get sick from an absess.

What to treat foot absess in sheep?


Can i take azithromycin for an absess?

Ask your doctor.

How do you lose a tooth without pain?

Numb your tooth with ice or a popsicle then yank it out, the faster the less it will hurt!

Should you use ice or heat to ease the pain of an infected wisdom tooth area?


What do you live in a deciduous forest?

Don't live in a deciduous forest because when you do you find a giant block of ice and then you thaw the giant block of ice and when you thaw the giant ice block you realize the thing in the ice block was a saber tooth tiger and when you have a saber tooth tiger you eat bacon with it don't eat bacon with a saber tooth tiger get DirecTV.