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Q: Will ammoxicillin kill chlamydia
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Does echinacea cure chlamydia?

Echinacea will not help kill chlamydia.

When you get chlamydia will you always have it?

Chlamydia is not for life; it can be treated.

Is azithromycin used only for chlamydia?

No it does not; azithromycin is used to kill numerous bacteria.

Why do you have to wait seven days after curing chlamydia?

Because even though you take the medication in a single dose, it doesn't suddenly kill all of the chlamydia bacteria in your body.

Is chlamydia one of the worst diseases?

Chlamydia is one of the most common diseases. It's not the worst sexually transmitted disease, as it won't kill you. It can cause long-term complications.

Does ofloxacin kill Chlamydia?

Moxifloxacin (brand names Avelox, Moxeza, Vigamox) is probably effective against chlamydia, but there are cheaper alternatives that work just as well. It's not a recommended treatment.

What is the scientific name for chlamydia?

The scientific name for chlamydia is Chlamydia trachomatis.

What is a chlamydia probe?

"Chlamydia probe" is a name for a chlamydia swab.

What are the types of chlamydia?

There are three major types of Chlamydia: Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Chlamydia trachomatis. Each of these has the potential to cause a type of pneumonia.

Can same sex partners contract chlamydia?

Yes, men can give chlamydia to men and women can give chlamydia to women.Yes, a female can get chlamydia from a female, and a male can get chlamydia from a male

Can you get chlamydia from sweat?

Sweat does not carry chlamydia and can't transmit chlamydia.

Can you get chlamydia during your period?

Yes, you can get chlamydia during your period.Yes, if he is infected with chlamydia.