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Pregnancy tests simply "look" for the presence of a hormone that is present when a pregnancy has occurred. After a miscarriage, a pregnancy test may remain positive for a while until all of that hormone has disappeared below the level the test needs to be positive. A blood (serum) pregnancy test (that you can obtain at a physician's office) can tell about how far along a pregnancy is, and this can be compared to how far along the person should be; the test results will drop in number over time if a miscarriage occurs until it reaches 0. How long it takes the hormone to leave the system is highly variable from several days to several weeks. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

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14y ago

Yes it can. hCG can take 24 hours to a month to leave your system completely depending on how far along the pregnancy was and why the miscarriage happened. If you are unsure if you had a miscarriage or feel that you may still be pregnant consult your Dr as soon as possible.

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16y ago

Eventually, but your hormones need to return to normal first.

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15y ago

it would be expected as hormones are still there..

check with your doctor if worried.

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Q: Will a pregnancy test show negative if you miscarried?
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A pregnancy test can show a positive result if you have miscarried. There is still enough hormone in your body to produce a positive result.

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A pregnancy test can NOT be reused and it will not show a accurate answer.

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If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

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If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.

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There are always pregnancy tests that can show up negative and you can still be pregnant. The best thing to do is check with your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test. Remember though even the doctor's test can even be wrong. There is not one single pregnancy test that is always 100% correct.

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No pregnancy is pregnancy and it doesn't matter if you were on the pill at the time. It will still show positive if you were pregnant.

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It might be because its to soon for it to show

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If you start bleeding during early pregnancy, it is really important to go to your doctor or a local ER to have an ultrasound and a blood test.

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.

Can your blood test negative for pregnancy and still have morning sickness?

No, a negative pregnancy test means the nausea is caused by something besides pregnancy.