They can. Ham is not a natural part of a cat's diet. It is a different kind of meat, and should be fed very sparingly.
yes they can eat ham but do not give them to much ham because they may get diarrhea
It depends on your past. If you have had ham and then had diarrhea, maybe your stomach just isn't compatible with it.
Ham and Cat is a remake of the tv show on nickelodeon called Sam and Cat. But, says its not a real show, and you'll never see it. Sorry Sam and Cat fans. :(
The occasional treat of ham is fine, but should never be part of a kitten's main diet. Ham is high in salt which can lead to dehydration if fed too much, and ham is not any way nutritious for a kitten. Wrapping a little piece of ham is a good way of administering a pill with a minimum of fuss.
mostly you could just give him/her ham i gave my cat ham and he eats it
Im sick right now...from bad ham Yes!
how much does a thanksgiving ham cost
Well to tell you, I found my cat eating a few strange things like oatmeal and jelly! Cats also like ice cream (vanilla only) and any kind of yogurt.
There is no specific universal significance to a dream of eating ham. It could mean nothing more than that you are hungry, or it might reflect an appetite for abundance. The dream might also represent your own families traditions regarding the significance of ham as it relates to holiday dinners, or religious restrictions about eating pork.
I have a dog and we have fed him ham before and nothing happens. if you are worried, you should consult a vet.:)
he can chuck all the ham that a ham chuck could if a ham chuck could chuck ham