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When burned, it creates a toxic chemical in the air which causes diarrhea.

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Q: Whydon't you burn rhododendron
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What is the scientific name for rhododendron?

The scientific name for rhododendron is Rhododendron.

What is the abbreviation for rhododendron?

For a species rhododendron such as Rhododendron maximum, it is written: R. maximum. For a hybrid rhododendron such as Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla', it is written Rcv. 'Nova Zembla' (Rcv. meaning rhododendron cultivar). For a selection of a species such as Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada', it is called R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' although you may see it written Rcv. 'Koichiro Wada'.

When was Rhododendron prunifolium created?

Rhododendron prunifolium was created in 1913.

When was Camp Rhododendron created?

Camp Rhododendron was created in 1942.

When was Rhododendron hirsutum created?

Rhododendron hirsutum was created in 1753.

When was Rhododendron crassifolium created?

Rhododendron crassifolium was created in 1894.

What is the state of West Virginias flower?

The state flower is the Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum).

How do you make a sentence on rhododendron?

Rhododendron is the state flower for the State of Washington.

When was the rhododendron named the state flower of Washington?

named it as rhododendron, or the rhododendron was won in a flower contest, sorry folks that's all i know

Where can you see pictures of a rhododendron?

Please see related links for a Rhododendron photo gallery.

What is the scientific name of azaleas?

Rhododendron, Pentanthera (deciduous) and Tsutsuji (evergreen) are the two types of azalea plants. The scientific name for a leaf is a leaf. There are 8 types of Rhododendrons. One type is azalea. There are two kinds of azaleas; deciduous and evergreen. One sheds its leaves in the fall (leaf abscission), one keeps them all year long.