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Q: Why your periods starts after taking Evening primrose oil supplement after menopause?
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Can evening primrose oil delay your period?

YesEvening primrose oil is primarily used to reduce the symptoms of PMS such as cramps, breast tenderness, uterine pain etc...But the Gamolenic acid provided by Evening primrose oil has the potential to delay periods. Many doctors and users claim that they will be a f days off while others say it has no effect at all.

The term is used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all?

Peri-menopause is the term used before menstrual periods end. The transition between peri-menopause and pre menopause when estrogen begins stopping the menstrual periods.

What happens to period blood when menopause starts?

Menopause means a stopping of having periods. There IS no period blood.

Is it hard for a woman who is going through menopause to get pregnant?

it is impossible 99% of the time! Menopause means you cease to have periods so if you haven't had periods for 2 years or more then no, you can't get pregnant. BEWARE as you start into menopause because you can get the odd period at the beginning of your menopause. You may skip even up to a year and then have a period.

I am in menopause and was on birth control pills for long periods now i have taken off the pill and haven't had a period yet and i am fifty one years old?

You answered it right there, menopause hun. your periods have stopped.

You had hodgkin's disease 10 years ago was diagnosed as gone through early menopause a year later now for the past 2 years you have been having irregular periods so have you gone through the menopause?

if you are still having periods, even if they are irregular, then you have not gone through the menopause yet

Is it possible to be in menopause and have a menstrual cycle?

Yes Menopause can change the period .Menopause is defined as the time when there has been no menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months and no other biological or physiological cause can be identified.

Have missed 2 periods and having some mini hot flashes could this be the beginning of menopause?

If you missed 2 periods and have been having hot flashes, it could be a sign of menopause. It would be best to see your doctor if you are worried.

Do women have a period if have hiv?

HIV does not prevent women from having periods. If a woman was getting periods before getting HIV, periods are likely to continue until menopause.

Does mastubation stop periods?

No, masturbation does not stop periods. There are many things that stop periods, Bulimia ,anorexia , use of oral contraceptives, menopause and pregnancy to name a few

How long will it take when your done will all of your periods?

The average age of menopause in the US is 51.

What age do woman stop getting there periods?

During menopause, women's periods become erratic and eventually cease. Menopause occurs at different times for different women, but I think it's safe to say that it tends to occur between the ages of 40 and 50.