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i d0nt kn0 but y0u sh0uld really g0 get that checked 0ut b4 s0mething really bad happens like y0u have a heart attack 0r stroke.

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Q: Why would you have frequent shooting pains in your HEART?
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What are the warning signs of heart disease in women and easy prevention?

Some warning signs of heart disease in women would be frequent pains in the chest, particular]y the area of the heart. Easy prevention would be to watch your health and diet and keep it in top condition.

Can smoking cause shooting or aching pains in you body?

Not until after the cancer, heart and lung diseases kick in, unless you are having an atypical reaction to something in the smoke. If you have unexplained aches and pains, you would do well to consult a doctor, especially if you have been smoking for a long time.

What kind of pain in the arm would be consider having a heart attack?

I don't really know, but what I do know is that I had a good friend who had had pains in her arm for a long time. She would also get wicked faint and white. She then went to a heart doctor and had a stress test and had to be rushed into surgery for a quintuple bypass. If you have shooting pains in your arm You should get it checked out, it could be really serious. I hope that this can help.

What would cause your right arm to feel stone cold to the touch and to have shooting pains up and down it?

your arm went to sleep or it is numb

Why would you have frequent shooting pains in your abdomen?

If you are having these pains for an extended period of time, OR if the pain is severe, you absolutely must be seen by a physician. The cause can be so varied, that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to know by your post what it could be. It could be gas pains. It could be an appendicitis. It could be irritable bowel. It could be a viral illness. It could be gallstones or kidney stones. Could be a kidney infection. You may be having cramping prior to diarrhea, also. Where the pain is in your abdomen is also important. Keep an eye on your temperature. Only you will know if these pains are severe enough to see emergency treatment. I wish there was an easy answer to this, but if the pain is minor but shooting occasionally, try Tylenol or ibuprofen (if you are not allergic!) and some heat like a heating pad may give you some relief. Good luck!

Bad pains in left arm vein?

If these pains are toward the top of your arm, I would suggest seeing a doctor immediately because this may be a sign of serious heart trouble.

If your foot sends shooting pains up your leg what has happened to it?

Pain can be caused by many different things, but in this case I would suspect a hairline bone fracture.

What treatement for tendonitis would help with shooting pain in the legs?

When you get shooting pains in your legs from running this may be a form of tendonitis. You can treat this by seeing a doctor. The doctor would probably recommend medication, rest, and maybe even physical therapy as these are the most common treatments for tendonitis in the legs.

Is it normal to have abdominal pains at thirty five weeks?

There is such a thing as "Braxton Hicks" contractions. These benign contractions sometimes happen before labor. Also, my baby would push down on my cervix, this would send shooting pains through my body, it really hurt! This helps to prepare your cervix for dialation.

What is strangling pains in the chest?

It would be unusual to describe pain as strangling. Generally speaking, even if you are in severe pain, it does not prevent you from breathing. Severe chest pains can be associated with heart disease, or broken ribs, or lung cancer, or various other diseases.

What would cause shooting pains in stomach?

Shooting pains in the stomach can be caused by a variety of factors, including gastrointestinal issues such as gas, indigestion, or constipation. Other possible causes could include muscle spasms, inflammation of the stomach lining, or even more serious conditions such as ulcers or gallstones. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

What is the sentence of frequent?

I would like to frequent this establishment more often.