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Q: Why would my left lower side hurt and it has a rash?
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Why would having a cold also develop a back rash?

Probably the rash was due to the medicines you have taken. (allergy) try to change it or lower the dosage.

Rash around private parts not on them inner leg and lower navel area?

Rash around private parts not on them inner leg and lower navel area

You have small lumps on both sides of your head that dont grow or hurt and they move when you push on them should you be worried?

no I bet you were in a tragic accident and got road rash in your head or they are calcium deposits my hus band has road rash inhis head a doctor would ignore you especially since they don't hurt or change

Will vaseline hurt if used on diaper rash?

Vaseline is used as a barrier cream to prevent diaper rash, it won't hurt but it isn't a great cure for it. Use Sudocrem or Caldesene which are both available in most stores.

I 've developed a sort of rash after herpeshow can it go?

after herpes I've a sort of rash left how can i cure it

What is the adverb of rash?

The adverb for rash would be rashily

Why did your left lower left neck area get an itchy rash like ring worm and now is starting to get a mushy swelling?

Wow. That's Gross. Try Web MD. I totally bet they will have the answer. Hope everything goes okay.

Can you put makeup on scabbed chickenpox?

I honestly wouldn't recommend using it. It may take the look away but it isn't worth it because putting most types of makeup on a shingles rash would irritate the rash even more.

What would happen if you left your face wash on all night without taking it off?

it would work better it would dry you skin out also if you put acne cleaner, can casue rash. fask mask i tried- casued face to swell. but just cleanser can cause rash or dry skin

How do you get rid of stubble rash?

stubble rash is when you've been kissing a guy with stubble and you get left with a red rash around your face

Red blotchy rash mainly on lower part of both legs There is a mild rash on your arms but do not itch as bad as the legs The rash is very bad from the knees to the ankles Please help you?

Sounds like you have Psoriasis. Look it up.