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Q: Why would a dentist strip a tooth?
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Why would a dentist drill out a tooth and fill if there is no cavity?

The dentist is crooked, and looking to make a buck.

How do you know if you have a cavity without seeing the dentist?

The dentist would inform me that I lost a tooth.

Should you visit the dentist if you get a tooth abscess?

I do believe that you need to see a dentist and not an orthodontist regarding a tooth abscess. If anything, the dentist would treat it or if need be, refer you to a specialist.

If your jaw hurts and it affects your tooth do you go to the doctor or the dentist?

I recommend going to see a doctor. If the pain was coming directly from the tooth, then I would recommend the dentist.

What do a teeth think about a dentist?

Well, teeth love the dentist. Only because the get to be cleaned and 'tickled'. If the dentist has to pull out a tooth, Don't think of it as your never going to see that tooth again, think of it as the tooth will be with the tooth fairy that night, the tooth will be in "tooth heaven".

What can cause a tooth to hurt?

A Tooth AcheAnswerYou could have a sensitive tooth, cavity or possibly an abscess. I would make an appointment to see your dentist.

How do you get out a tooth?

By going to the dentist for an extraction.

If you knock out a permanent tooth how do you treat this?

If the tooth has just been knocked out and you have the tooth, place it in milk or water and get to your dentist. If you can get to the dentist in time, quite often a tooth can actually be re-implanted. But you have to do it ASAP! If you have the tooth and can't get in touch with your regular dentist, then call any dentist you can get in contact with. There may even be an emergency dentist number in your phone book. But you have to call now!

If you go to the dentis to get your tooth out will the tooth fairy come?

ask the dentist to please give you the tooth so you can take it home to keep for ther tooth fairy, all the dentists will be happy to do that for you because they would never be able to get any work done because the tooth fairy would ALWAYS BE HANGING AROUND when the dentist wasn't looking!!

What do you call a dentist in bed it a joke?

A dentist in bed is a tooth dentist. This is a joke.

What things can a dentist do to a bad tooth?

A dentist can do a couple of things to a bad tooth. If the tooth is salvageable, the part that is bad will be carved or drilled out, then filled. If the entire tooth is bad, then the dentist will simply pry it out and offer options to replace it.

Words that describe a dentist?

Tooth Protecter, Tooth Guardians, Tooth Carers