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urinary tract infection, prostate problem are two to start with. Any male with haematuria should get himself to his doctor as soon as possible.

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Kidney infections or stones

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Q: Why would a 40yr old male have blood in his urine?
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Why would white and red blood cell count increase in urine?

The blood cell count of urine may increase if:there is kidney diseasethere is irritation or cancer in the bladderthere is hypertension (chronically high blood pressure)a male has recently engaged in masturbation

Can probation urine drug screens tell whether the urine is male or female?

Some labs do and some labs don't. To be safe, I would assume that they do. It is very easy to distinguish male urine from female urine.

What smells worse female or male dog urine?

male urine is the worst

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What part of the body does urine exit the male body?

Urine exits through the male's penis.

Is it safe for a male to drink a womens urine?

It is safe for a male to drink a woman's urine, or any humans urine, as long as it is in small doses and there are no toxins, such as dangerous medication, in the urine.

What is considered 'normal' blood levels in male urine samples - what could high level be a symptom of - I have been told mine is '53'?

As far as I know there is no such thing as a Normal "blood" level in urine. Blood (or I guess that you mean red blood cells) appearing in the urine is a sign of a variety of conditions, especially of kidney origin.My advice would be to consult your doctor, and/or rephrase your question of what exactly you mean by 'blood" level in urine. In addition please also add a unit to this 53 value.P.S. Have you recently (last few weeks) had a bacterial inflammation of some sort? May be soar throat and/or pharyngitis? If so, you should consult your physician.I am sorry that i can't give you a more complete answer.

What does High white blood cell count and blood in urine mean?

Increased numbers of white blood cells in urine are usually a sign of a urinary tract infection or other renal diseases. White blood cells are a normal component in the secretions of the male and female genital tracts and can be present in normal urine with concentrations of 0 to 8 cells per high-power field. Some laboratories culture urine with >5 white blood cells per high-power field to rule out a urinary tract infection.

How is urine produced in the human male?

Urine is produced the same way in both males and females. It is a filtrate of the blood. The kidneys filter waste out of the blood, this waste is then sent to the bladder, and this waste is urine. From the bladder it moves through the urethra and is then voided. A man's urethra is considerably longer than a woman's, and a man's urethra terminates at the head of the penis.

Why does 13 year old male urine smell?

It smells like urine. Ordinary urine.

How do you evaluate a 26 year old male presenting with diabetes for the first time?

Evaluating a 26-year-old male presenting with Diabetes for the first time, would be about the same as any other evaluation. Checking weight, performing blood or urine tests,and taking vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respirations, etc.) If the male is found to have Diabetes, treatment options and lifestyle changes should be discussed.

Male Nubian goat about 6 months old who white with brown patches Today his front legs were wet and it looked like blood There were no cuts on him Does anyone know what this is?

It could be urine as male goats when they are of an age to breed will piddle on their front legs to make themselves smell more attractive to the females. Certain toxic plants will also cause blood to be in the urine or the urine to get a dark tinge - bracken, oak, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, rape