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In the 1800s people were thrown into insane asylums to live in squalor, filth and were left untreated and often starved. They were never release from the insane asylum even if they were not mentally ill. Being around the psychotic screaming patients were enough make any sane person go crazy. Some men would throw their wives into the asylum just to get rid of them knowing she would never get out. Mental Illnesses were not treated as medical problems but more thought of as being people who were possessed or untreatable. Some families chose to care for their mentally ill loved ones but most sent them away. It was not really just fear that motivated them but rather frustration and lack of understanding what was wrong. You are talking about an age that did not have good medical care. Even barbershop barbers would do blood letting in those times to cure ailments. They even tried that on the mentally ill. They did not have the medications and treatment plans we have today.

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Many mentally ill patients were suffering from inhumane treatment.

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Q: Why were people afraid of mental illnesses in 19th century?
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Stargirl :)

Can you give me a long list of illnesses?

There are many illnesses that people can suffer from that affect many bodily functions such as breathing, digestion, immune system, pain management, and mental health.

Do people view mentally ill people as having no morals?

There is a stigma against people with mental illnesses as being amoral, bad, or weak. This false and harmful view comes from a lack of education about mental illness.

Does the treatment of those with mental disorders depend on culture?

yes The idea that mental disorders are treatable like any other illness is a relatively modern concept. In the past, people with mental illnesses were marginalized and cut off from society. Some were even used to experiment on. In cultures which the idea of treating mental illnesses is not prominent, they will often simply cut the person out. Also, in religious cultures, mental illnesses can be said to be caused by the devil, so prayer would be used.

Exatly drugs for mentalillness?

People with mental illnesses may abuse drugs covertly without their families knowing it.

Why are body image concerns so dangerous?

They are very dangerous because you can develop mental illnesses such as anorexia or bulimia which can kill you. People with these illnesses can also develop things such as depression and these take years to come back from.

Who is suffer from depression?

People with underlying medical/mental disorders or illnesses, people in abusive relationships, people who have experienced their parents divorcing, people in low economic households. These people are vulnerable, but depression can happen to anyone.