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People with Down syndrome all have similar facial features and can look like they have Asian ancestry. In the past, people thought that the different races had evolved by different amounts, with the European being the most evolved and the other races were all less intelligent or able.

The faces of the Down syndrome people looked like the Mongols of Asia, who were considered very undeveloped and unintelligent. So people thought they were a throwback and called them Mongoloids, both as a reference to their appearance and their supposedly unevolved intelligence.

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The term Mongoloid arose thanks to the man who discovered Down Syndrome, Dr. John Langdon Down. He believed those suffering from Down Syndrome has a certain Mongolian quality to them. The name of the syndrome was changed after it became apparent that Mongolism was racist.

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Q: Why was the term mongoloid used to refer to people with Down Syndrome?
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What is the behavior of a mongoloid?

It is inappropriate and offensive to use the term "mongoloid" to refer to individuals with Down syndrome or people of East Asian descent. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and avoid using derogatory language.

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I think you are referring to Down's syndrome. It is due to abnormal number of chromosomes in the cells There is no cure.

Why is it that a mongoloid person have 65 chromosomes?

The term "mongoloid" is considered outdated and derogatory. However, individuals with Down syndrome, which is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, have a total of 47 chromosomes, not 65. This extra chromosome can lead to developmental delays and intellectual disabilities.

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Marjorie Ann Buresh has written: 'Mongoloid psychology' -- subject- s -: Down syndrome

What is a mongoloid?

Mongoloid is one of the three historic race categories (the other being Caucasoid and Negroid). This category encompasses the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Native Americans, Eskimos, etc. In the past, the term was used as an insulting term towards people of Down Syndrome.

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In 1896 the wife of Sir. Jonathan Wilfred gave birth to a baby with down syndrome. He knew something was amiss, but in 1896 there was not yet any name for down syndrome, so when people asked he would tell them it was a Mongoloid, latin for "different". Now because of that people with down syndrome are referred to as Mongoloids.

Who is the father of the mongoloid?

There are two types of Mongoloid 1. Those who are characteristic of or resembling a Mongol race of people. 2. A person suffering from Down syndrome, though this term is no longer used, rather the term, the child or person has a Mongoloid condition is used. As to who is the father of these two peoples, the Mongol race of people has God as their father and possibly came through the lineage of Ham a son of Noah. A mongol child has not only God the Father but also its own natural parents.

Can a girl with down syndrome have a boyfriend?

Yes, a girl with Down syndrome can have a boyfriend, and many do. People with Down syndrome have the same relationship needs as people without Down syndrome.

Why do people call Down Syndrome Down's?

Down syndrome is the correct term. People who are using "Downs" are speaking incorrectly. Down syndrome used to be called Down's syndrome, but since John Langdon Down did not have nor "invent" this chromosomal abnormality, the correct name is Down syndrome. Countries such as the UK, still use the term Down's syndrome, but shortening it to Down's is not using people first language, therefore, it is incorrect.

What has the author Ronald G Buddenhagen written?

Ronald G. Buddenhagen has written: 'Establishing vocal verbalizations in mute mongoloid children' -- subject(s): Down syndrome, Speech therapy

Can down syndrome people get depressed?

Yes, people with Downs Syndrome can get depressed.

Why is it that people with down syndrome always stare at food?

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