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Q: Why trench foot would require amputation?
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What was remedy for trench foot?

The remedy for severe trench foot would be amputation or staying out of the water

What was the remedy for the trench foot?

The remedy for severe trench foot would be amputation or staying out of the water

WW1 trench foot?

Trench foot is a disease caused by the cold and wet. It was a huge problem in ww1, many soldiers would only be treated in the late stages meaning they have to have an amputation, some didn't survive.

How did trench foot develop?

Trench foot is caused by too much exposure to water. Trench foot can occur even after just 11 hours of damp surrounding the skin. At first the foot will seem numb, then would either turn red or blue and it would smell. If the case persists, it can even develop blisters and open sores. This will then lead to fungal infections, without proper treatment, trench foot will lead to gangrene, which will need amputation.

What does trench foot look like?

trench foot occurs when your feet is wet and cold for long periods of times, thing that was common in the world wars inside the trench lines. They were cold and wet. Once the condiction takes place, the feet swell up bad and turns black. Being like this too much will require amputation.

How does Trench Foot work?

Trench foot comes from having your feet wet and cold for long periods of time. The name comes from the world war in wich trenches were the main battle enviroment. Cold and wet many soldiers developed trench foot. Trench foot can be treated but can also end up in the amputation of the feet. Toes turn black and no longer able to cure.

If a soldier had trench foot what would happen?

If a soldier had trench foot, they would experience symptoms such as numbness, tingling, pain, swelling, and blisters on their feet. If left untreated, trench foot can lead to tissue damage, infection, and in severe cases, amputation of the affected area. It is important to seek medical attention promptly if trench foot is suspected.

What problems did soldiers suffer in the trenches?

sometimes the weather was the cause of disease, like trench foot where the soldiers were stood for hours on end in wet, cold and insanitary conditions. If it was left untreated, trench foot could turn gangrenous and result in amputation.

What did trench foot do?

Trench foot would cause blisters and open sores on the soldiers foot. Often fungal infections would set in and gangrene if left untreated.

What illnesses would you get in world war one?

trench foot, trench fever, tetanus

How would soldiers in ww1 prevent trench foot?

by not getting it

How does trench foot affect the body?

Trench foot was a common ailment during World War I. It came from wearing shoes that were constantly wet. Trench foot would have been extremely painful until the feet went numb. After that, gangrene would set in.